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68 Feby. 15th Left Vancouver & went to Portland. Found there the same Panther mention on the 13th which was presented to the Inst. by Mr Drew Weather rainy but mild. Saw very few ducks in the river, & none new. 
[[underlined]] Feby 17th [[/underlined]] Busy to day & yesterday preparing the skin of the Cougar, above mentioned. Found it to be a young male probably not yet full grown measuring 7 ft. 4 1/2 inches. The skull has been much injured by the ball. Heard some Blue birds to day.
[[underlined]] Feby 20th [[/underlined]] Left Portland and descended the Columbia to a point below Cathlamet where the steamboat had to anchor about 8 o'clock having a bargue in tow from Oak Pt. down. Saw several of the birds called "Shag" a few ducks & some swans. The weather became clear towards night, & I saw Mt St Helens' plainly from near Cathl. The Columbia is much the same in appearance as above - but here on spreads out into a bay, & the Islands are partly covered with Spruce tree
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Astoria O.T. 69
Feby 23d Arrived here on the 21st at 9 o'clock. Since then the weather had been rainy with considerable wind. Today it is more clear & warm as before The shores here are high & bald forming points on each side. Chinook Pt. opposite here is about 4 miles distant and partly bare of trees. About the trees are mostly Coniferus of 4 or 5 species & the maples before mentioned with the same shrubs as up river. All appear to be of larger growth than above & the season seems somewhat more advanced. I see several species of ducks, cormorants & Gulls about here, and the Crossbill in flocks singing much like the Yellow bird
Pacific City W.T.
Feby 24th To-day started from Astoria in a sailboat and in 3 1/4 hours reached the mouth of Wallicut creek a mile east of Mr H__s who has invited me to stay. The wind was very favorable & the tide in the first of the Ebb. Distance about 10 m. The appearance of this shore is much like the opposite, steep points & some low tide meadows between them in the bays.