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70 The river on this side is shallow with bare base at low tide, but the inside of the Cape is said to be a good harbor The whole country excepting the sand beaches & the hill side exposed to the S.W. where there are some small firm prairies is covered with dense timber of various species of Coniferae & in some springy places patches of large alders. The Poplars & Maples have become scarce as well as Oaks. Mr H. went with me in a canoe through a lake about a mile long & crescent shaped which lies in the neck of land between the Col. R. & Shoalwater Bay. By a canal less than three miles long the waters might be connected This lake is of fresh water & colored brown by decayed vegetation. Saw here a blue heron & ducks. Saw a few Chinooks who are almost extinct as not more than 150 are left. They were of a lighter hue than the Indians of the inner country. There are houses every few miles along the beach & a number at the town of Pacific City as well as at Chinook Pt. several miles up. Elk & bear are said to be found here Sturgeon are just beginning to go up the river. 
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Feby 25th Mr H. & I walked to Mr N___s house about 4 miles up the beach crossing the Creek on the way. The woods here are much more open than up the river the trees being very large & the principal undergrowth the Sallal and the Rubus Spectabilis or Salmon berry. A Willow & an Alder are just beginning to burst out into flower. The soil appears to be a slaty reddish clay forming the hills covered by spruces and Sand forming the low lands of the beach At the Point East of Mr H's the formation is a crumbling rock having a dip of 80° toward the N & containg round smooth boulders of pale bluestone white on the surface like limestone but not effervesing with strong Acetic Acid. Stumps & trunks of trees are also embedded in it but I find no traces of fossil shells or plants. I obtained here species of Psammobia & of Mytilus closely resembling those of the Atlantic coast & a small Balanus Also a species of Tringa which frequents the sound flats in flocks of 100 or more. Heard of a strange animal resembling a bear but reddish colored with a long tail and smaller