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72 North of Columbia - 
Feb'y 27th  Today I went with Mr H to the north or weather beach of Cape Disappointment.  The ridge between is about two miles wide & of not very high.  At its exposed side are several caverns formed by the seas into one of which we went about 80 ft.  The rock was a dark & crumbling kind like coal but not marking.  I preserved specimens of each variety-  In one I saw the skeletons of two Robin & Varied thrush which had died of cold.  Also a large nest containing shells & bones perhaps built by the white head eagle.  The beach is broad & sandy with a heavy surf rolling on it, the shore covered by logs.  The only shells seen were a species of Solen Some Casdia & the Mytilus.
 Shot two species of Tringa which have nearly the same habits, flying in large flocks of 2-300 & running in the edge of the receding waves for their food.  Saw also a flock of 50 gulls all the large species and some others flying about singly -  Saw a middle sized hawk, catching the sandpipers & also a butcher bird which I could not get a shot at - 

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We walked along the beach for about four miles to a farmers house.  The edgeing of the sea was nearly straight to this place & some miles beyond can be seen the end of this Peninsula and the point of Cape Shoalwater.  For 2 or 3 miles from the beach is a low prairie tract with scattered groves of spruce &c and several lakes of small size.  Returning met a pair of Eagles & killed one which is of much larger size than the Wack Eagle skinned on the 18th ult - differing also in the brown color of the plumage (young)  Found in its stomach a ducks bone & some parasitic worms -  Since the last date there has been a severe storm from the SE with high wind rain & hail.  Today it is very changeable weather the sun shining out at intervals.

March 2nd  Yesterday I walked round a small lake a distance of about 5 miles but got no specimens.  Saw the Painted thrush again - & a few ducks - Pintail -  Today shot a Sea duck, a species common here now.  While wounded three young Eagles pursued it.  To day it has not rained but it poured hard yesterday & last night