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March 14th Remained yesterday at Mr F -- s.  The weather was clear & warm with a slight hailstorm in the afternoon.  Obtained no specimens but saw one of the large gray owls & some Redtail Buzzards -  Today crossed the portage a distance of about 3 miles to Mr. S. where a boat comes at high tide to take passengers for S.W. Bay descending a creek about a mile - Saw no new specimens -  The Cedar is abundant here as well as the Spruces so common elsewhere - The stumps of Cedar stand on the meadows of very great age - Stopped at Mr Mcs to dinner & at 2- started again in a whale boat.  There the Bay is about 6 miles wide & this end of it is nearly semicircular in form the [[Tarbilt ?]] R. entering one corner & the [[Artesowil ?]] at the Southeast.  4/5th of the Bay is said to be bare at low tide the difference of high & low water is 12 ft.  At about 6 P.M. we anchored at the South end of "Long Island (10 miles long), went ashore & encamped.  Obtained here a species of Nardosmia in flower - This Island is composed of horizontal beds of clay & sand - 
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March 15th At 2 A.M. the tide beginning to ebb again we embarked & sailed towards the North  The sky was clear & the moon bright at starting but it soon clouded over, rained & continued misty till day light when a NW wind again brightened up the sky & the sun shone a little just after rising.  Reached the Oyster beach at Capt R--s - about 7 A.M. & I went ashore  The tide being low left nearly the whole of this portion of the Bay bare only a few channels running through in the course of the rivers
[[underlined]] March 21st [[/underlined]] Have been here several days and have walked for some miles in each direction along the beach -
The country is thickly wooded with large Spruce timber mixed with some Alder in places. & wild cherries -  About 2 1/2 miles to the NE is a meadow of about 6 miles circumference traversed by a small creek -  This ground is thickly covered with grass of good quality -  The hills surrounding this end of the bay are rounded & very much cut by ravines -  All these hills exposed on the shore are composed of a hard