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80  Capalux River
Apr 1st Walked two days ago to the mouth of this river crossing two creeks on the way- Near the north bank is a bed of Oysters & other shells several ft. thick enclosed in clay like that all around here.  The shore of the Bay is high & steep nearly all the way to the river and the mud flats extend from 1/2 to 1 mile from them.  The river is about 1 mile wide at high tide but the channel nearly central & not more than 1/4 mile in width-
 The Point south of the river is also high & steep, sloping down toward the East, where a creek makes it nearly an Island-  The river branches shortly after entering it into three streams- 
Remained all night at the Point and next morning returned to Capt. R---s  The Capt. had arrived the day before-Noticed the "Salmon berry" + a wild current in bloom.  Saw the same birds as on the Willapa-  The hills to the East are white with snow which has fallen in slight showers with rain + hail almost every day since last date-

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Shoalwater Bay- 81
Apr 7th The weather since last week was very stormy with almost constant rain & wind from the SW till the 5th  Since then it has become pleasant & clear with wind from N.W. & N.E. today-  Have obtained no animals since then but several plants &c  Saw today a striped squirrel the first this spring-  The Trillium grandiflorum & an Asum are beginning to bloom now- 
The Indians here use the root of a dock powdered & boiled for an application to burns, with apparent benefit  Also the root of Equisetum Hyemale as food.  It is while raw very hard.  They eat also a kind of wild Pea (Vicia)

Apr 12th  Crossed the bay to the mouth of Cedar Creek & ascended it for about two miles where it branches into 3 or 4 creeks-  Along its banks is a great deal of salt meadow as on the others of this bay- Saw on the way several species of ducks, brant & Geese &c  On the Northside the shores resemble others but are often steeper & are also in places full of shells of recent species-

Transcription Notes:
He seems to use dashes as periods, perhaps because of the quality of the nib of his pen? I would suggest the editors consider replacing them with periods, but they are transcribed as written.