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Apr 14th The weather for the last two days has been stormy & rainy 
Today it cleared again & I went to see a point of land about two miles south of the River. This point is level & sandy, covered with a good grass and in some parts with small pine trees 
Saw here Pigeons - & several large skaits dead on the beach. The channel runs very near this point & towards the west is a large sandy flat filling in the bay nearly to the Cape 
Found a blue Violet in bloom & the beach strawberry also. Deer are plenty on this Point. 

Apr. 20th The weather has been stormy almost ever since last date. Today I crossed to Cedar Creek again & explored the vicinity on foot. The country much resembles this side of the bay, but vegetation seems to be more forward. Noticed several shrubs & plants in flower, & some birds all mentioned in appendix. Large flocks of geese have been for a week flying about the bay, & on clear mornings towards the north. 
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April 25th  Yesterday I sailed up the Copalux[[sic]] River about two miles, but having run aground in a short slough could not proceed & had to wait for the flood tide to return.  This river is more branching than the others mentioned, & is like them lined along its banks by extensive salt marshes.  Killed on the way a Brant or Grebe & a Robin snipe which I did not obtain. 

Apr 28th  Yesterday went in a boat up Nekomanche River 12 miles from here & stayed there all night. For about 4 miles it is lined by salt meadows and then suddenly we enter mountain county with high steep hills surrounding. Killed A Surf duck & noticed some species of plants in bloom not before seen
The weather has been pleasant since last date but is now becoming cloudy. 

May 8th  Since the 28th the weather has been very stormy except a few clear days. Have obtained a few specimens as in Cat. Immense flocks of Tringa &c are now migrating toward the north. Most of the Geese & curlews have disappeared