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Aug 29th  Left Mr-s and travelled in a whale-boat down the Bay arriving at Capt. R-s about 8 P.M.  A heavy fog misled us & we were obliged to anchor for three hours near Goose Point. A high wind also blew after 10 A.M. dead ahead- 
Noticed flocks of Ducks Godwits and 3 toed sandpipers, 2 Pelicans and some loons-
Sept 2nd  Since last date I have remained at Capt. R's arranging Coll. 
Today, walked to the Quequillin but got nothing. Saw some very large brown birds (Vultures?) Saw also the Tringa Number 72 which whistles like the Y. legs 
I observe none of the birds mentioned in Append. which have probably gone southward-- Weather continues cloudy with some rain Wind mostly from N.W. 
Sept. 8th The past three days have been very hot & yesterday evening it clouded over & now threatens rain. Went to Pine Island where I obtained a Gull. (L. Belcheri) which with other species and a black-capped tern are abundant now on the bay -- Also shot a Yellow leg

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Snipe & Alpine Lark, the last quite uncommon here- Observe that great flocks of Godwits, ducks &c fly over at the very first commencement of Ebb tide to their feeding grounds on the flats & about 1/2 flood return to the rivers to wait for the next low tide- 
Caught several Cotti on the 6th with meat for bait, resting it on the bottom. 
[[underlined]] Sept. 12th [[/underlined]] Went to Sandy Pt. & obtained the specimens in Cat. Saw a flock of Pelicans near the mouth of the Bay. Shot at a loon of which a few are in the Bay- 
Weather lately clear & cloudy alternately 
Slight rain fell last night- 
Sept 18th  Sky continues mostly cloudy with little rain. Have been nowhere since the last date.  Pelicans now enter the bay often after fish & in stormy weather 
Notice a small black bird frequenting about boats & snags (Strepsilas)
[[underlined]] Sept 24th [[/underlined]] Two days ago went up the Willapa with Mr B.-n & leaving the skiff at Capt C-s we went to B-s to sleep. 
Shot a brant in the river high up Returned yesterday afternoon- Saw some large black woodpeckers (P. pileatus?)