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[[image: hand drawn map showing terrain features, direction and distances and some annotations]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Index of Collections.
[[Table of collections initially laid out in 5 columns, but style never used]]
Date       |  Birds &c   | Rep & Fish.  | Plantae  |  Minerals &c
July 5th   |  Carone  1  | 1 Snake  [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] } {within 2 miles of the barracks. [[benison ?]]
Vancouver Columbia 2- "[[ditto for: Snake]] 5}  
""[[dittos for: Vancouver Columbia]] 3: Bag 6
"[[ditto for: July]] 20th 2 Pine Squirrels [[insertion]] 1-2 [[/insertion]] near Vancouver -
"[[ditto for: July]] 21st 2 [[insertion]] 2 [[/insertion]] snakes grayish like No 3 -
"[[ditto for: July]] 27th 3 crayfish dark greenish black below reddish
"[[ditto for: July]] 29th 1 snake [[insertion]] 2 [[/insertion]] brown [[dors?]], str; br lat. spots Y & br. -
"[[ditto for: July]] 30th 3 lizards [[insertion]] 5 [[/insertion]] brown head & olive sots blk. below
Aug 1st 1 snake [[insertion]] 6 [[/insertion]] back blk belly grn, stips Y spots red
Jly 31st 2 newts [[insertion]] 7 [[/insertion]] dk brown & 1 fish - grayish, fins R stip'd
Aug 2nd 6 snakes [[inserted and struck out]] 5 [[/struck out insertion]] caught in the same spot & in 1 bag.
" " [[ditto for: Aug 2nd]] [[largest ?]] [[insertion]] 8 [[/insertion]] blk. gr, Y stripes, brown spots belly grn.
" " [[ditto for: Aug 2nd]] 2nd [[insertion]] 8 [[/insertion]] " [[ditto for: blk.]] br,  Y " [[ditto for: stripes]] chestnut " [[ditto for: spots belly]] bluish
" " [[ditto for: Aug 2nd]] 3rd [[insertion]] 8 [[/insertion]] " [[ditto for: blk.]] [[Cls ?]] Y " [[ditto for: stripes]] reddish " [[ditto for: spots belly]] grayish
" " [[ditto for: Aug 2nd]] 4.5.6 dark brn br R. " [[ditto for: stripes]] black. " " " [[ditto for: spots belly grayish
" "  [[ditto for: Aug 2nd]] Checks of 1 - 3 brown & grn of others br. eyes blk.
" " [[ditto for: Aug 2nd]] 1 newt [[insertion]] 7* [[/insertion]] brown, belly yellowish R--
" " [[ditto for: Aug 2nd]] 2 trout. back gray olive belly silvery spots blk.
" [[ditto for: Aug]] 4th 2 lizards, [[insertion]] 11- [[/insertion]] olive brown, spots blk, 3 y.  squirrels [[insertion]] 12 [[/insertion]][[insertion below line]] 22 B. [[Grove  ?]] [[/insertion below line]]
" [[ditto for:  Aug]] 5th young [[insertion]] 2 [[/insertion]] trout & tadpoles from a pond -
" " [[ditto for: Aug 5th]] 1 newt, [[insertion]] 7* [[/insertion]] dark brown belly orange
" [[ditto for: Aug]] 9th 1 Pine Squirrel [[insertion 4 [[/insertion]] striped [[insertion]] 5-0  [[/insertion]] (very common)
" " [[ditto for: Aug 9th]] 1 [[mood ?]] frog; light green legs Y beneath