Viewing page 62 of 78

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Date    B. & L.   R. & F.   P. & M.    &c

Aug 11th   1 mouse [[insert]] Y [[/insert]]   1 tree frog [[insert]] 12* [[/insert]]   lt. olive, spots brown
" [[ditto for Aug]] 12th   1 snake [[insert]] 13 [[/insert]] blk, stripes Y. belly ash color
" [[ditto for Aug]] 13th   Grus [[insert]] 4 [[/insert]] Canadensis head
" [[ditto for Aug]] 17th   several [[insert]] 14 [[/insert]] horned toads, grayish brown, spots blk
" [[ditto for Aug]] 18th   1 horned toad brick red
" " [[dittos for Aug 18th]]   1 Bascanios [[insert]] 15 [[/insert]] Purp-brown, pale - below straw Y
" " [[ditto for Aug 18th]]   1 " [[ditto for Bascanios]] [[insert]] 16 [[/insert]] duller colored but similar
" [[ditto for Aug]] 20   2 [[Antrostomi ?]] [[insert]] [[strikethrough]] 17-18 [[/strikethrough]] 5-6 [[/insert]] 7 1/2 - 5 - 16 Eye chestnut legs gray
" [[ditto for Aug]] 25   1 [[Pit-Wilkesii ?]] [[insert]] 17 [[/insert]] ground pale gray & as descr.
" [[ditto for Aug]] 30   Crotalus lucifer head [[insert]] 18 [[/insert]] - 
" [[ditto for: Aug]] 31   1 Shrew [[insert]] 8 [[/insert]] black - 1 badger - [[insert]] 9 [[/insert]]
The above were today sent to F H Vancouver care of Dr Benson of H.B. Co ___________________________________

Sep 4th   1 Magpie [[insert]] [[strikethrough]] 19 [[/strikeout]] 7 [[/insert]] 17-18 Iris black bill & legs Do - 
" [[ditto for: Sep]] 4   1 Bateo bor. [[insert]] [[strikethrough]] 20 [[/strikethrough]] 8 [[/insert]] 22-48 " [[ditto for: Iris]] hazel cere & " [[ditto for: legs]] yellow
" [[ditto for: Sep]] 5th   1 Nucifracga [[insert]] 9 [[/insert]] 19-11 bill & feet black Iris brown.
" [[ditto for: Sep]] 3rd   1 [[Pit Wilkerii ?]] 1 Eutainia dark brn spots blk.
" [[ditto for: Sep]] 6  1 Trout, [[insert]] 3 [[/insert]] silvery fins dk. spots blk. pect. orange
" " [[ditto for: Sep 6]]    1 Eutainia like the last gr brn spots blk.
" [[ditto for: Sep]] 7.   1 Nucifraga [[insert]] 10 [[/insert]] 11-20 &c 1 [[Astar Coop. ?]] [[insert]] 11 [[/insert]] 20-30 &c
" [[ditto for: Sep]] 14   Trout F [[insert]] 4 [[/insert]] 2 1/2 in-6 back dk olive, lighter toward tail, belly silvery & with opers. shaded rose - (not permanent) carmine streak on each jaw - lips gold green I. gold blk. P. fins y gr.  V. blksh. A. grnish, tail dk gry, spots blk, Dors lighter
" [[ditto for: Sep]] 14   [[insert]] 5 [[/insert]] trout M 12-4 1/2 spots white on sides pink tail rosie
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Date    B. & L.   R. & F.   P. & M.    &c
Sept 14   Sage fowl [[insert]] 12 [[/insert]] 27-44 I brown - adult male
" [[ditto for: Sept]] 10   1 sucker [[insert]] 6 [[/insert]] from lake [[Klealm ?]] female 1 ft long color dull olive, belly white - 
" [[ditto for Sept]] 16   1 fish [[insert]] 7 [[/insert]] 13 x 5 1/4 M back gray mixed, I. yellow
" [[ditto for Sept]] 16   1 " [[ditto for fish]] [[insert]] 8 [[/insert]] entire, dark greenish blk, belly lighter 
" [[ditto for Sept]] 18   3 snakes, [insert]] 19 [[/insert]] back olive, spots blk, belly slate & bk.
" [[ditto for Sept]] 20   1 horned toad, [[insert]] 20 [[/insert]] reddish brn belly white
" [[ditto for Sept]] 21   1 snake [[insert]] 11 [[/insert]] back pale, dull grn belly straw Y
" [[ditto for Sept]] 22   1 Trouts head [[insert]] 9 [[/insert]] gray blk & dull wht 18-8-
" [[ditto for Sept]] 22   1 salmons. [[insert]] 10 [[/insert]] " " " " " [[dittos for: head gray blk & dull wht]] 24-10 1/2
" [[ditto for Sept]] 16   1 sage hen [[insert]] 13 [[/insert]] 22 1/2 -33 I brown adult F.
" [[ditto for Sept]] 25   1 Crot. Org. [[insert]] 21 [[/insert]] Sea green, marks & belly white
" [[ditto for Sept]] 27   1 Strix Virg [[insert]] 14 [[/insert]] 52-27 I-yellow -
Oct 27   1 woodpecker (Harrisi) [[insert]] 15 [[/insert]] 9 - 15 1/2 I. & bill brn M
" [[ditto for Oct]] 28   1 Pic. [[insert]] 16 [[/insert]] [[strikethrough]] [[all forvatus ?]] [[/strikethrough]] 9-15 " [[ditto for I]] & " [[ditto for bill]] brn. M.
" [[ditto for Oct]] 30   Pine equis. [[insert]] [[strikethrough]] 9 [[strikethrough]] [[/insert]] 14 - 14 1/2 Rad & Tib 1 3/4 Male
" [[ditto for Oct]] 30   [[Otria?]] [[Arulus?]] [[insert]] 17 [[/insert]] 38 - 15 1/2 Iris Y cere & legs do. M.
" [[ditto for Oct]] 31   1 Tets. [[gehas ?]] [[insert]] 21 [[/insert]] 16 1/2 - 24 1/2 " [[ditto for: Iris]] Brn - F. 
" [[ditto for Oct]] 31   1 mouse [[insert]] 17 [[/insert]] 6 in  ear 5/8 Rad 5/8 Tib. 7/8 eye black
Nov 1st 1 woodpecker [[insert]] 18 [[/insert]] [[(albolaro) ?]] 9 3/4 - 17 Iris brn
" [[ditto for Nov]] 12   1 Otus [[Au ?]] [[insert]] 19 [[/insert]] 14 1/2 - 38 I. yellow feet blk
" [[ditto for Nov]] 13   1 Podiceps occid. [[insert]] 20 [[/insert]] 24-37 I orange F greenish
No. of Birds. sp. 16       | Rept. - 40 | Plants 60?
         entire - 22       | Fish 20
         heads             | " [[ditto for: fish]]  sp 10.
" [[ditto for No. of]] [[Quad " [[ditto for: sp]] 8        
           duplic. 3.
[[short solid line, to total]]
coll of 1853 - 

Transcription Notes:
Whew! amen! still needs work