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[[signature]] JGCooper [[/signature]]
[[signature]] JGCooper [[/signature]]
[[signature]] JGCooper [[/signature]]

[[end page]]

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[[underlined]] Notes for 1855 - [[/underlined]] 

[[in left margin]] Jan 1st [[/in left margin]]
January begins with clear cold weather the storm of last week having ended with the old year. Last month I noticed a close connection between the changes of the moon and the weather as I have in fact often before observed, 
[[margin, pencil]] Moon [[/margin]]
though any direct influence of these changes must be very doubtful depending as they do, on arbitrary and not on real or natural phenomena. I propose to notice these facts more closely this year-
[[margin, pencil]] Winter Birds [[/margin]]
But few species of seabirds remain in the Bay, & of these I cannot now obtain all- The Western Gull still remains & one young bird of this kind has become very familiar - keeping about the brook very near the house where it feed in company with the fish crows & occasionally a Raven -  
Other Birds now seen are loons [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] sp? Eagles, Colaptis, [[Fring?]] id. Gull. F. Oregonius [[Larus?]] [[sufic??]] [[Regsauro?]] cap. 
 A large owl & a hawk sometimes appear about here- Saw a single Trumpeter Swan flying northward one day & a few [[Brant?]] sometimes come about -  Mallards are plenty up the Rivers- 
Have looked in vain for the Bird mentioned in last months journal 

[[pencil]] x Sylvieola [[/pencil]] 

Transcription Notes:
Larus is gull genus.