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[[left margin]] 2
Jan 3d [[/left margin]] 
Yesterday the sky again clouded over and this morning it began to blow severely from the west, with heavy rain & hail -  The tide rose higher than ever & nearly undermined the front of the house.  Yesterday it snowed a little in the morning but rained last night.  The Bay was nearly as rough here as the ocean in moderate weather.

[[left margin]] " [[Ditto for: Jan]] 4. [[/left margin]] 
Weather clear early in the morning but it became cloudy about noon and threatened snow. Sharp frost last night.  Today a [[underline]] thrush [[/underline]] was [[left margin]] Turdus [[/left margin]] brought one caught in a house & in the capture its tail was pulled out- It was as large as [[underline]] T. ustulatus [[/underline]] and of a dark olive brown color above, white below, breast thickly marked with large brown spots - A few yellowish spots on lower part of neck. I do not find it described in Aud's. Syn -*2

[[left margin]] " [[Ditto for: Jan]] 5. [[/left margin]] 
It snowed last night about six in deep. This morning was clear and very cold. The shore of the Bay frozen & soft ice in the edge of water- 
A flock of [[underlined]] Plovers? [[/underlined]]* appeared on the flats before the house - Towards noon it clouded & before night began to snow lightly at intervals tho? warmer & thawing after dark.

* Charadrius Helveticus - 2* [[strikethrough]] T. narmis? [[/strikethrough]] 

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[[start page]]

[[left margin]] Jan'y 7th [[/left margin]] 
Since the 5th the weather has continued squally & rainy.  Last night it blew a hurricane which shook the house like a leaf.  To'day continues cloudy with showers & intervals of sunshine- [[left margin]] Turdus naevium [[/left margin]] The Birds skimmed yesterday & today now frequent the edge of the water feeding probably on the small crustacea &c. in company with [[Fring?]] Oreg. & J. Townsendi.  A gull of a new kind frequents the shores now.  It is smaller than L. Occid. & somewhat barred with gray- the young grayish*

[[left margin]] 8th [[/left margin]] 
Weather has become more calm & rainy since yesterday with southeast wind-
[[left margin]] Harelda glacialis [[/left margin] Obtained yesterday a Harelda glacialis which was found dead on shore having been shot.  They have been common since Decr 1st but very shy- Also Charad. [[Helvet?]] which has only been here since the 1st of month.  They frequent the edge of flats & feed in the same way as the shore birds-  Their note is a loud plaintive whistle- 
Some small sandpipers are with them which resemble them [[underline]] now [[/underline]] in color &c
[[left margin]] Carpodacus- purpureus [[/left margin]] This morning heard a bird singing much like a Vireo which I found to be Carpodacus Purp. [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] but could not shoot it- It is the first I have seen here-

*L.zonorhyncus yn'g 

Transcription Notes:
Sharadrius appears to be another spelling of Charadrius