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[[left margin]] Jan'y 9.[[strikeout]] Dec [[/strikeout]][[/left margin]] Rainy & foggy with a light southerly wind, air [[warm?]] as usual with this wind.  Found at Stormy Pt. a snag which had been drifted in from the mouth of the bay & was covered with Anatifae & [[Nington?]] of large size.  
[[left margin drawing of an Anatifae]]
The latter differ from those on the Beds in color [[tho?]] Anatifae grow in the Bay.  
[[left margin]] 11th [[image of the half moon?]] [[/left margin]]
In dissecting the latter the articulate structure is much marked in body &c.

[[left margin]] " [[ditto for Jan'y]] 12 [[/left margin]]
Yesterday the wind changed to the westward & blew briskly all day.  The clouds broke away about noon & after a few showers it became clear.  Today the wind was NE light & cool & the sky clouded only in West.
The thrushes have disappeared with this change as have others but more gulls come about.  Noticed abundance of Brent in the middle of the Bay.
[[left margin]] Haliact[[?]] lencock phalus [[/left margin]]
Notice a pair of W. H. Eagles now preparing to build - The tides are beginning the sun all[[?]] low again, going out today to the further oyster Bed.

[[left margin]] " 14 [[ditto for Jan'y]] [[/left margin]]
This morning the sky again clouded over & before night it rained with a SW wind.  Air mild - noticed this evening a bat flying about the house.  Shot a gull noticed about here lately which is the Larus zoniozhynchus[[?]] but differs from the description in having an orange spot on bill
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[left margin]] Jany 16th [[/left margin]]
Yesterday it cleared off in the morning with a W wind & remained clear till night.  This morning wind NE & sky lightly changed - changed to Sky dark & it began to rain again -
[[left margin]] Podicaps ocrid? p.5 note [[/left margin]]
Noticed a grebe with a black cap & white neck - of large size  +
Yesterday bought some mallards & a Scamp duck which all had their stomachs full of Padmmohia[[?]] shell the last was very thin.
[[left margin]] [[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]] 17th [[/left margin]]
Today the tide rose about three inches higher than any time before this winter accompanied by a violent W wind & rough sea - Squalls of Rain & hail occurred every little while during the day & night.  Shot a Tet.umbel. & saw Merg. Cicullot[[?]]
[[left margin]] 18 [[/left margin]]  [[drawing of crescent moon]]
Weather much as yesterday but the tide did not rise so high - The hail & snow which fall melt very soon & it does not freeze at night.  Saw a black duck?* as large as Fulig. fusea[[?]]  
[[left margin]] Salamandra [[/left margin]] The Indians attribute great power to the newt saying that it if eaten will cause Marasmns[[?]] & death.  Perhaps this is formits[[?]] form[[?]] & cules[[?]] with skin like an Indians'.  The shore here where the Indians formerly lived is bedded 2ft. deep with shells of cockle bones of elk etc, with trees 2ft in diam. growing over them.  I find no remains of old utensils -

*Ardomia Americana?  + P.occidentalis Bd

Transcription Notes:
Anatifae seems to be referring to goose neck barnacles