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[[left margin]] Jan'y 29th [[\left margin]]
This morning it is cooler with the wind still from the N.E.  Crossed over the Bay to Rs again.  Saw nothing worth noting.  The sky begins to be clouded over again.
Heard of a kind of Ducks with a gold cold head & same on wings as large as a mallard.  4 seen only.
[[left margin]] Bernicla [[\left margin]]
Saw the small Brant mentioned 19th.
Found lately a dead wolf - but it seemed to be but half grown and its teeth were not complete.

[[left margin]] Feb'y 10 [[\left margin]]
Since last date I have been so busy with the Schr. A Adams & her cargo which arrived on the 30th ult. that I have had no time to go out.  
[[left margin]] F. 1st O [[\left margin]]
Hence I have observed nothing of consequence except about the 1st the Merg. Americannus appeared here in flocks - all of them males! which seem to keep apart from the females in winter.
The weather continued pleasant but with some threatening clouds until the 3rd when it rained a little in the evening.  Since then it has been mostly clear & pleasant, but yesterday changed again & rained heavily most of the day.  Today it continued rainy & blowing hard from the SE.
The Ast. left o the 6th & the Enquire arrived here on the 5th

[[left margin]] 9th [[drawing of half moon]] [[\left margin]]

* also abundant during spring at the Bay

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[[left margin]] Feb'y 14th [[\left margin]]
It has stormed ever since last date until last night when it cleared off calm.
[[left margin]] (16th [[drawing of crescent moon]]) [[\left margin]]
This morning however it was again overcast with Cirrostrati & cold with N.E. wind -
In the section of Stony Pt - taken today it is observed that a [[underline]] dike? [[\underline]] of Basalt of the rounded variety is covered by a deposit of sand & clay.  Next to the rock [[?]] was a layer of sandy clay folded to correspond to the surface of the rock  in this are pieces of [[underlined]] blackened [[underlined]] wood.  This layer is abruptly cut off by one of [[underline]] Horizontal[[\underline]] formation with faults & accidental dips.
[[left margin]] Section of [[crust?]] sandstone [[\left margin]]

Beds of [[ferruginous?]] sand & in some places of coarse gravel are scattered here & there.  Others of lignite or unchanged wood are also found at [[underline]] all[[\underline]] depths mixed with cones & leaves of apparently existing species.  In two parts of the bay beds of shells & [[underline]] their burrows [[\underline]] are found; at Palux River about 5 ft & at [[Thievmanche?]] R. 10 to 50 ft above the present tides.
All except one of these species exist now in this Bay.  Bones of mammalia are found petrified & also agate casts of shells - all probably of recent species.  No entire [[underline]] skeletons [[\underline]] are found.  At the foot of the cliffs fine particles of Gold mixed in black sand is found but not in quantities enough to pay for collecting.  Both are mixed sparsely through the earth forming these cliffs & are washed clean of the clay & lighter sands by the waves.