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Journey to the
[[left margin]] Feb'y 22nd [[drawing of crescent moon]] [[\left margin]]
The threatened rain came on the 17th with the normal SE wind.  It fell heavily for two days & on the 20th eve. cleared off about the time of [[underline]] New Moon[[\underline]] with a westerly wind.  The tides came very high but not quite so high as at the last new moon.  Since then it has remained clear & very cold with N.E.N. & N.W. winds.  Heavy frost at night & last night Ice fusioned[[?]] 1/2 in think.
Have been busy preparing specimens to send to Prof. Baird - & to go away.
Notice very few birds about - none new - 
Saw Nardosinia[[?]] palmata in flower & today Rubus opectabilis[[?]]. 
[[left margin]] or (20th) [[\left margin]]
Trillium is also coming up - leaves & flowers both

[[left margin]] " 23rd  D [[\left margin]]
Started[[?]] about 5 1/2 P.M. to cross the Bay to Barrows on the way to Chehalish Ri.  Weather today fair but cold - frost & ice at night.  In the evening clouds passed over from the north but without rain.  Wind continues as normal N-NE

[[left margin]] " 24. [[\left margin]]
Left The Buter[[?]] at 8.40 A.M. & walked up the Beach the Chehalish arriving about 5 1/2 P.M. making the time about 5 hrs & distance 16 miles.  Noticed no new animals - Gulls, Ravens & Eagles.  The Coast Pine grows again about 3 miles below Chehalish near the edge of tides.  The mouth of this River is about 4 1/2 miles wide & the surf break clear

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Chehalis River

[[left margin]] Feb'y [[\left margin]]
across with a flood tide & [[underline]] N wind[[\underline]].
Weather clear & wind cold.
The land at mouth of Chehalish appears much like that at S.W. Bay but more sandy & barren.  The clay cliffs appear on the opposite side.  Much black sand is mixed with the beach.  
After sunset we left in Carstahan's canoe & travelled about three miles up the Bay camping on the beach at night.  Noticed but few birds in the Bay Landing[[?]] Zones being most common in flocks

[[left margin]] 25th [[\left margin]]
Left camp at 6.10  AM & travelled up in a canoe the tide up 1 hr. & then down.
The river & scenery resemble very much that on the Willoper[[?]] the same marshes & fir trees & where a section is seen the same clay gravel & sand.  Went about 10 miles up to Mr Pilkingtons arriving at 9.15 A.M.  There I found Gov. Stevens, Mr Gibley Fods, Simmons, & others - & 330 Indians of various tribes.
Noticed robins, jays & crows, but few ducks, same as on the Bay.

[[left margin]] 26th [[\left margin]]
Weather still very cold & clear with N.E. wind.  Remained in camp all day & observed no special animals.  The tribes represented are the upper & lower Chehalis - Quinault, Chinook, Cowlitz, & a few of other tribes.  Nothing was done on account of the absence of the interpreter Mr F. Shaw