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[[underline]] Chehalis River [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Mch 24th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Distance [[\left margin]]  Left camp early & continued up the river for about 19 miles camping near [[underline]] Armstrong mill.[[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Scenery [[\left margin]]The appearance of the country is similar to that of yesterday but less hills in sight.
[[left margin]] Fraxinus [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] [[underline]] Oregan[[\underline]] [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Prairie [[\left margin]]
Ash & maple are common since reaching freshwater.  Made a short cut through beautiful pairie about 2 miles long undulating & with a gravelly soil.  Oaks appear here probably the first to be found.
[[left margin]] Querous Garryan[[?]] [[\left margin]]
Notice a Dentarea[[?]] in flower (Purp)
[[left margin]] Current [[\left margin]]
The river begins to be swifter with Islands & rapids at intervals.  The bottom is gravelly & sandy.
Weather windy & drizzling.

[[left margin]] 3th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Dist [[\left margin]]  Continued up the river for about 13 mmiles & camped in a Pine forest.
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  Weather still rainy & windy.
[[left margin]] River [[\left margin]]  Passed several steep rapids & the whole river is higher & more rapids than before.
[[left margin]] Mts. [[\left margin]]  The highest spurs of the Coast Range appear along today's course.  The rock seems to be a kind of hard clay of a red color.  The hillside here is steep & covered with trees.
[[left margin]] Woods [[\left margin]]  The woods at camp - East of this resemble those at Vancouver & at Brigets Sound.
[[left margin]] Lepus [[\left margin]]  Heard in the evening a barking sound said to be made by hares!

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] to Olympia [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] March 6th [[drawing of crescent moon]] [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Rain [[\left margin]]
Weather still rainy & more constantly so than yesterday the wind becoming quite strong at night from the SW.
[[left margin]] Distance [[\left margin]]
Left camp about 7 1/2 AM. & arrived at Grand Mound Prairie about 2PM.
River rose last night about 1 foot & it needed all our force to steer[[?]] it.
[[left margin]] [[?Trudus nocuun  Coccoth Vesper?  Snaher occid.]] [[\left margin]]Heard Painted Robin plenty in all the woods (& noticed a new note of it like the flying call of a finch).
Observed Sialiae at Durgins mound.
[[left margin]] Geology [[\left margin]]  Cliffs exposed at three points today show a harder formation & at one place a wide white stratum of [[strikethrough]] clay? [[\strikethrough]].
The hills are higher perhaps 300ft.
[[left margin]] Trees [[\left margin]]  The Hazel is now blooming - Cornus suecica & Douglassii are common since leaving the influence of tide water.  A Red, White & Yellow fir are distinguished here by lumbermen while the spruce is very rare up here.

[[left margin]] 7th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Miles [[\left margin]]
Left Goodells at 8 1/2 & rode to Olympia in 7 hours a distance of 20 miles.  This route was before described & now differs only in the green hue of the prarires & the leaf of Oaks &c 
[[left margin]] Mounds 2 course [[\left margin]]
[[?]]etre the [[underline]] Mounds the[[\underline]] result of the escape of gases, steam or hot water.
Saw a yellow violet in bloom & also a sm all blue flower of Coll. of 1854
[[left margin drawing]]
Heard Gass Cariad - near Olympia.