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At Olympia

[[left margin]] Mch 16th [[drawing of half moon]] [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  The weather continues rainy with a S.W. wind.  Clouds passing over with intervals of sunshine.  Noticed yesterday the Olympian Range nearly covered with snow.
[[left margin]] Birds [[\left margin]] See here several species of du[[?]] to  [[?]] Gulls mentioned in App.-notes.  The white flowering shrub common along the rivers & about here seems to be undescribed & allied to Alastraee[[?]]
[[left margin drawing]] 
It has the strong smell of Staphylea & the shrub grows 10ft high.  The fruit is said to be a black bitter berry.

[[left margin]] 12th [[\left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Distance [[\left margin]]   Left Olympia about 12 O'c & went to Steilacoom 25 miles in 5 1/2 hours.
[[left margin]] Mergalus etle[[?]][[\left margin]]  Shot on the way a Mergulos[[?]] such birds were quite common.  [[left margin]] Ducks  Uria Grylle[[?]] [[\left margin]] Noticed also Cormorants Sea-ducks Goldeneyes & a species of Uria black with red legs. Silver gulls were abundant but I noticed no L. O[[?]]iet
[[left margin]] Wind [[\left margin]] Weather clearing off with a N.E. wind which became violent about sunset & increased after dark.
[[left margin]] Geology [[\left margin]] The gravel & sand formation extends all the way, the cliffs becoming higher towards the north.  
[[left margin]] Trees & flowers [[\left margin]] The trees visible are small sized firs & many are dead apparently having starved to death!  Ribes sanguineum [[symbol]] cazngnrianesea[[?]] are now in flower.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] to Seattle[[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Mch 14th [[\left margin]] 
Left Steilacoom this morning in a whaleboat a strong SE breeze blowing with some prospect of rain coming in.  [[left margin]] Chyro & Rain [[\left margin]] About noon a N. squall came on with round[[?]] snowdrops as large as buckshot and wind & rain continued from the same quarter till after dark we arriving at Seattle about 9P.M.
[[left margin drawing]] 
Noticed on the way large flocks of seaducks but none resembling the F. Stellesi - 
[[left margin]] Scenery [[\left margin]] The shores & country beyond seem very similar to that above but the land is said to improve as we go down the Sound.

[[left margin]] 15th [[\left margin]] 
Slept on board the boat.
[[underline]] Seattle[[\underline]] is built on a good site formed by an island about 30ft. high surrounded by the high tide.
[[left margin]] River [[\left margin]] The mouth of the Duwamish river is about 4 miles South of here and there are said to be excellent prairie claims for 40 miles up this river.  [[left margin]] Lands [[\left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Scenery [[\left margin]] The scenery is fine & much resembles that from Steilacoom.
[[left margin]] Birds [[\left margin]] Ravens fish crows & robins seem to be as familiar in all these coast towns as the Indians themselves.
[[left margin]] Trees [[\left margin]] The timber about here consists of cedar of small size & first, abundant.
[[left margin]] Gadens[[?]] [[\left margin]] One or two species of Gaden[[?]] are caught here in abundance, biting readily at a piece of the same fish!