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[[underline]] From Seattle [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Mch 16th [[\left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Frost [[\left margin]] There was a heavy white frost the two last nights but this morning is much milder with a light breeze from the SE.  Yesterday afternoon while lying at anchor off Seattle.
[[left margin]] Podiceps occid? &c [[\left margin]] I shot four Grebes & got 3 of them.  They prove to be of two species & I suppose one is J.cristaha which is smaller or shorter necked than the other which is probably the new species.  They appear to be very similar in habits & towards dusk came around the boat in numbers the latter being the most numerous. 
[[left margin]] Remark [[\left margin]]  Its Orange red iris, long neck & longer slender bill distinguished it at once.  The neck skinned is 12 1/2 in. long, while that of the other species is but 8 1/2.
Left Seattle about 9 A.M. today with an ebb tide & scarcely any wind.  About 1P.M. a fresh & cold breeze sprung up from the NE & we beat along the East shore quite briskly.  Passed several sandy cliffs & gravelly points the general appearance of the shores & tries continuing the same as above here.  
[[left margin]] Agelaius Phoeni [[\left margin]] Before leaving S a flock of blackbirds (Agelaius -?) came about the trees singing loudly but more harsh than the A. Phoeniceas -

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[[underline]] down the Sound [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] 16th cont. 5 P.M. [[\left margin]] 
It is a clear & cool afternoon & the boat is dashing along at a brisk pace with a N wind 2 points off the boat.  We are crossing a large bay south of Whitby Island which shows up ahead with its high pale cliffs & dark woods.  
[[left margin]] Scenery - at sunset [[\left margin]] A little to the right the double snowy peaks of Mt. Baker tower above the dark clouds while looking back we see Rainier's head like its twin brother each being probably 80 miles from us.  To the west the sun is just about to sink behind a leadlike wall of clouds among which the slim white peaks of the Olympic Range show like shrouded ghosts at night.
Far as the eye can see it we see the gently rippled waters extending to the Straits of De Fuca, beyond which lies the Isle of Vancouver.  On each side lie the deeply wooded shores presenting that uniform level of green treetops which would be monotonous unless relieved by the ever changing outline of bays, Points & inlets & by the majestic background of snowy peaks  The cloudless zenith is as it ever is in this country, clear & blue as the famed Italian skies or the no less beautiful skies of our own Atlantic coast.

Transcription Notes:
Whitby Island should probably be Whidbey Island off the coast of Seattle.