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[[underline]] Port Gamble Th[[?]] [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Mch 17th [[\left margin]] 
[[left margin drawing of crescent moon]] 
Left our anchorage along Point Foulweather about 7 1/2 & floated down with the ebb tide, a faint N. wind blowing ahead of us.  
[[left margin]] Frost [[\left margin]] The night was very cold - thick white frost fell - but this morning is quite mild & pleasant.  
[[left margin]] Miles [[\left margin]] About flood tide we anchored at the Point having made only about 5 miles.  I went ashore & walked several miles along the beach.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[\left margin]] On a salt marsh near here I saw a small flock of blackbirds which were probably the A. gabernator?  Shot a mallard & saw a large flock of these & other ducks in a small pond near.  The cliffs here resemble those above but are more sandy & less gravelly.  Noticed some black sand much more full of crystals than that at S.W. Bay.  About 1P.M. the wind rose & we sailed N.E.  
[[left margin]] Cormorants [[\left margin]] Passed some large rocks where a flock of Cormorants was roosting.  Shot in the water a Mergutus? (v. Index).  Continued sailing until turn of tide & anchored about 10 P.M. within about 16 miles of Port Townsend.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] Port Townsend [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Mch 17th [[\left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]   Arrived here this morning about 8 A.M.  The night was clear & cold but today it begins to cloud over a little in the south.  
   After breakfast took my gun & went out about 3 miles back & walked about till 1 P.M.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[drawing of a pointing hand]][[\left margin]] Saw more birds & of more species than I have ever seen at once in this territory.  They were chiefly of species before collected.  Shot five [[Trunuerins?]] & preserved three, also one Sylvie- And. of which I saw several singing in the trees in a faint air like that of the summer yellow bird.  
[[left margin]] Hirundo [[\left margin]] Saw a [[underline]] Swallow [[\underline]] - the first this season.  Noticed a large number of ducks & geese of various species - also Agelaurias common on the marshes - 
Froglet palustris probably winters as far north as this as well as J. hyemalis & Berwick's.
[[left margin]] Site [[\left margin]] This town site is a beautiful rolling prairie with a steep bluff face to the bay & in front extending round the Point a gravel bar enclosing a marsh - partly filled with water.  On its edges the soil is very rich & has been cultivated by the Indians who fence their patches round with gooseberry & other brushes.  
[[left margin]] Prairie [[\left margin]] On the hill the prairie is varied by scattered trees & open woods the surface undulating in a very pleasing manner.  The trees & shrubs are very similar to those of Vancouver & Steilacoom.  
[[left margin]] Flowers [[\left margin]] Sawan Erythronium & some other flowers as Saxifragas & a yellow Umbellifer.

Transcription Notes:
I think the caption for the double page spread is "Port gamble thru Port Townsend" but am not sure how the editors would want that indicated. thomasc