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[[left margin]] Mch 24th [[\left margin]]
Remained at Mr Ebey's all night & this morning walked back to the Cove.  
[[left margin]] Views [[\left margin]]  Made sketches of two views from opposite side of the Island.  The general surface of it is gently undulating though higher at some points than others.  
[[left margin]] Cliffs [[\left margin]]The shores are mostly bordered by banks 10-200 ft high either cut off steep or sloping & covered with trees.  
[[left margin]] Coal [[\left margin]]  At Seage[[?]] Head on the southern end there is a hole which emits sulphureous vapor.
[[left margin]] Land [[\left margin]]  About 1/3 of the Island is prairies & 12000 acres are taken up in claims.

[[left margin]] 27th [[\left margin]]
Weather continues very warm but somewhat clouded in the afternoons lately.  Walked today over to Mr Ebey's & back by way of Mrs Copes & the beach of the Cove. 
[[left margin]] Specins [[\left margin]]  Obtained several specimans as per Index.  The Maple? I have seen nowhere else.  
[[left margin]] Sandstone [[\left margin]]The cliffs on the south side of the cove are about 10 ft high & of a hard sand stone, almost hard enough for building in some places.
[[left margin]] Bipilo asction [[\left margin]]  The Pipilones obtained were mates and I have found the female always hard to get a shot at or even to see, while the male shows itself on hearing the rustle of feet.

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[[underline]] Island [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Mch 30th [[\left margin]]
Have not been away from the village since last date having letters &c to attend to.
Obtained no specimens except of Plants.
[[left margin]] Rain [[\left margin]]  The weather which has for some time threatened rain, began it night before last and since then we have had several light showers.  This occurring so near full moon and after a long spell of dry weather is unusual.  The wind has been very slight until the evening of the 28th when it began blowing from the south and has continued since.  This morning there was quite a strong blow during a partial clearing off.

[[left margin]] Apr 2nd [[drawing of circle/full moon?]] [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Birds [[\left margin]]  The white headed & Savanna sparrows have appeared together.  The song of the former was short but sweet & loud.  Of the latter faint [[?]]iping & unvaried.

[[left margin]] Apr 3rd [[\left margin]]
Yesterday I walked across the Island chiefly to obtain some shot my stock being exhausted.  Saw no new birds.  
[[left margin]] Urchis [[\left margin]]After dinner walked through a thick grove south of Ebey's & obtained a species of Arahis[[?]] not before seen.  The keel was pale with brown stripes & spots, the wings black leaf single oval.
[[left margin]] Rain [[\left margin]]  Weather in the morning warm & pleasant with a N.W. wind but a severe squallly wind & rain occurred in the afternoon & lasted about two hours.  Stopped all night at Mr Hills.