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[[underline]] Whitby's Island [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Apr 4th [[\left margin]]
Left Hills early & walked round the north side of the Island to Mr Libby's & thence across to the cove.
[[left margin]] Uria Grylle [[\left margin]]  A black species of Uria with white secondaries & the size of a Pigeon builds in holes formed in the cliffs near the surface of the ground & commonly in parts where the cliffs are high.
[[left margin]] Nests &c [[\left margin]]  Saw several chasing each other about in the air & none & then plunging in the water.  Finally one dusted into a hole & seminted[[?]] some minutes.  When it emerged it plunged down the side of the cliff as if shot & then flew into the water.
[[left margin]] [[drawing]] [[\left margin]]  Waw along a rocky shore a single [[underline]] Haematopus[[\underline]] as large as a small crow & with a vermillion bill.
[[left margin]] Abis Mergeris[[?]] [[\left margin]]  The Spruce grows along the edge of the cliffs on the north side.
The notes of the birds above were a low squeaking noise while flying.  That of the Oystercatcher was faint & resembled much the cry of the Turnstone.  [[left margin]] Haematopus [[\left margin]]  Its chocolate brown color much resembles that of the seaweeds where it frequents so that it is scarcely visible while at rest.
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  Weather cleared off about 11 A.M> & the wind came again from the N.W.

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[[left margin]] Apr 4th [[\left margin]]
Walked today several miles down the shores of the cove & through the Prairies.  
[[left margin]] Specimens [[\left margin]]Obtained some plants but no birds nor did I see any of the latter not before noticed.  
[[left margin]] Geology [[\left margin]]The cliffs along part of the shore are composed of gravel & sand as normal with their layers of lignites in them.
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]] The weather today more agreeable with a fresh breeze from the S.E.  Towards evening it clouded over a little.  
[[left margin]] animals [[\left margin]]Saw a deer, a blue hawk & various commoner birds.
[[left margin]] Pica Huds. [[\left margin]]  It is said that the magpie was here last winter which shows a winter migration to the west.  Probably.

[[left margin]] 5th [[\left margin]]
Walked today across to Libby's on the north side to look for Haematopus.  Saw one but got no chance to shoot it.  
[[left margin]] Cervux Rich'd [[\left margin]]  Shot at a deer but too far off.  It was very demurely walking along through a burnt wood in full view, making not the slightest noise in stepping until I shot when it bounded off rapidly.  
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]The morning was warm & clear with W wind but about noon it began from the S & about sunset became a perfect tornado.  Sky also clouded over with a light stratus of clouds.