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Penns Cove
[[left margin]] Apr 6th [[\left margin]]
Weather still threatening after a small shower last night.  Afternoon I walked out to look for deer.
[[left margin]] [[?Piens]] pileate nest [[\left margin]] While watching at a small lake nearby I observed a Pileated Woodpecker busied in preparing itself a burrow in a half rotten trunk standing on the edge of the lake.  It worked entirely inside & occasionally stuck out its bill filled with chips which it scattered in the air.  It was very watchful & seemed to be alone.  Towards sunset went to Libby's prairie where I shot a deer, a large buck with the new horns* just appearing.  A strong N.W. wind blew in the afternoon & evening.

[[left margin]] 7th [[\left margin]]  
Remained all night at Libby's & this morning walked down to the beach.  Noticed the same Haematopus in the same place but could not shoot it.  Its notes are loud, short & whistling.  Walked back to the Cove in the afternoon.  Weather warm & Pleasant with a N. wind.
Very few freshwater mollusca seem to inhabit the lakes here.
[[left margin]] Shells [[\left margin]]  I obtained a minute Planorbis yesterday and a Physor.

*Its nostrils were full of large larvae (Ceitus)[[?]]

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