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Whitby's Island
[[left margin]] Apr 8th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Lake [[\left margin]]  Went this morning to visit a lake about 2 miles from the head of the Cove where swan are said to be found at all seasons.  
[[left margin]]Podiceps Carolin [[\left margin]]  Saw none but noticed several species of ducks & brent - also a Podiceps Carolin?  
[[left margin]] cry [[\left margin]]Some species of water fowl? (or frog) in this lake makes a loud & anxious noise like the braying of a jackass - commencing and ending with a rapid barking sound.
In the afternoon walked back to Libby's.  
[[left margin]] Indians singing [[\left margin]]  A large crowd of Indians (400) were at the Cove and held meeting twice a day, having sermons, or discussions of a political kind & chanting some simple air in very perfect time but without regard to parts or harmony.

[[left margin]] 11th [[\left margin]]
Weather clear warm & pleasant wind N.W.  Have remained at Libbys since last date & hunted some but without getting any new species of birds or animals.  
[[left margin]] shells are Sylvie[[?]] da. [[\left margin]]  I find a few specimens of Phyra & Planorbis in some of the lakes but both seem to be same[[?]].
The summer yellow birds are now abundant & allatill[[?]] in winter dress.  Have seen several deer on the prairie but none white as yet - though some are undoubtedly found so.
[[left margin]] Nests [[\left margin]]  Ravens are now sitting - Woodpeckers and titmice are preparing their burrowed holes.  The meadowlarks are probably building so they have nearly left off singing.
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  Yesterday & day before we had some E & S wind with squally weather & rain.  Today is warm & nearly clear.