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[[underline]] Voyage up Puget. Sd [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Apr 25th [[\left margin]]
During the night we had a fair wind & by midnight reached Rocky Point opposite Seattle where we anchored.
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  This morning the weather was clear & calm but a slight breeze from the N. soon came up & we started up.
[[left margin]] Vashons I. [[\left margin]]  About 12 n. at high water anchored opposite the head of Vashon's Island.
[[left margin]] Plants [[\left margin]]  There I obtained several speciments of plants not found on Whitby's but all seen at S.W.B.   
[[left margin]] Larns - Birds [[\left margin]]  Noticed today flocks of Larns atricilla.  Saw on the shore a new bird (Thrush?) & heard Muscicaza[[?]] piroilla[[?]]. Scarcely any water birds to be seen.  A large Minex? is found in this channel.  At flood tide we again started and made about 25 miles before anchoring opposite Steilacoom about midnight.

[[left margin]] 26th [[\left margin]]
Started again in a calm & rowed up to Johnson's Pt. where we anchored.
[[left margin]] Tetsas[[?]] obscurus [[\left margin]]  Since leaving the Island I have heard a great many Grouse "cooing" along the shores somewhat like a large Phycon[[?]]  The ruffed G. have nearly ceased to dra[[?]] & this species probably began lately though it is not found on W.Is.  Saw many Uriae near this point.  
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  About 10 P.M. it clouded over & a good breeze sprung up from the W. by which we sailed up rapidly against the tide.  A few drops of rain also fell.

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Near Olympia
[[left margin]] Apr 27th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Rain [[\left margin]]  Last evening the wind soon dying away & the rain increasing we were obliged to anchor a few miles above the point.  During the night it rained some & was calm.  This morning at flood tide we again stated in the calm & rowed nearly up to Olympia a light N. breeze taking us on there.  This continued all day with frequent & heavy showers the air very mild also.
[[left margin]] Birds [[\left margin]]  Shot a Uria - the species mentioned above.  Saw a great number of Sea ducks & Mergi at & near Olympia.
[[left margin]] Natica [[\left margin]]  Noticed yesterday a large Natica on the sandy beach above high water apparently forming its nest.
[[left margin]] Plants [[\left margin]]  The Cormio. Amelanchier Pysus & Ceranes[[?]] are now all in bloom the third[[?]] first only seen since passing the "Narrows"

[[left margin]] 28th [[\left margin]]
It has rained & shined alternately all day with a fresh S wind - & mild air.
[[left margin]] up.32[[?]] [[\left margin]]  I find that Carpod. before coll. agrees with C. jurynuseny[[?]] of Aud. though very different from the figure in N.T.G. Is & is a little larger.
[[left margin]] Birds [[\left margin]]  The Uria is U. Grylle common on the east coast north of U.I. & he comes nearly white in winter.  Prof. Baird writes for more specimens of many species & says that nearly all the Gulls differ here from those in the Atlantic - how much?  Mammals are especially wanted and in fact [[underline]] everything![[\underline]] except [[underline]] some [[\underline]] birds.