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[[underline]] Nisqually Plains [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] May 14th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Warmth [[\left margin]]  The weather last week was warm but with flying clouds.  12th sultry in the norming.  P.M. it clouded over with a S. wind & thunder was heard.  It began to rain late & continued to pour all day yesterday.  Today it is clear & warm.  Left Nisqually at 9 A.M. & walked mostly through roads to Steilacoom.
[[left margin]] Trichas Tolmisi[[?]] [[\left margin]]  On the way shot a Trichas Tolmisi[[?]] & saw another - frequenting the shallow bunker under the Fir trees.  The song is short & faint like that of S.aestina.  Also shot Alarda[[?]] alpics[[?]] which are now common.  
Arrived at S. at 12 N. & remained all day skinning birds &c.  Water very smooth reflecting the shores &    distinctly.

[[left margin]] 15th [[\left margin]]
Left Steilacomm at 9 & walked to Mr Gibbs arriving at 12 N.  
[[left margin]] Plants [[\left margin]]  Collected here many plants not before seen.  Weather warm cloudy sky over east - wind SE - Heard along the banks of lakes a warbler near to me.*
[[left margin]] Scenery [[\left margin]]  The Nisqually Plains are now beautifully clothed in verduse & flowers of many hues vary the surface.  Yellow in places from the shiny dance of Ranunculus in their red with the Sorrel which was introduced about 20 yrs ago by the Pugets Sdales[[?]] & has now driven out everything else in some spots - the gravelly soil being well suited to it.  The Oaks are full in leaf the poplars also & the ash trees beginning to bud forth.

* Ninscie.[[?]] Coopesi - v.June 7th & Index

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[[underline]] continued [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] May 20th [[\left margin]]
Since last date I have been confined to the house by illness.  The weather has been cloudy & cool - though commonly better towards evening than morning.  The wind very changeable from N. to S.
[[left margin]] Picus Ausqual[[?]] [[\left margin]]  The collared woodpecker seems to be very fearful of the cold not being visible when the sun is hid by clouds.  
[[left margin]] habits [[\left margin]]  It differs very much from all others in its slow sailing flight & not tapping trees much though it bores holes in oaks &c to nest in.  It most resembles the Melanerpeo group & the Redhead species.
[[left margin]] Sialia song) [[\left margin]]  The bluebird here is very silent.  I have never heard them sing more than their single flying note.

[[left margin]] 22nd [[\left margin]]
The weather all yesterday was cloudy & today it is the same with some drizzling rain.  Rode yesterday to Steilacoom & back.  Noticed nothing of importance.  There are several plants on these plains, scarce here which are abundant on the east side of the mountains.  
[[left margin]]Plants [[\left margin]]  Of these I notice [[?Cennonthres velatinus]] which occurs near the mouth of Nisqually R. & is also accidental near Oregon City.  The Rhus trilabata also occurs here as much as on the shores of the Col. R.  There are other rare & herbaceous plants which also seem to be accidental here.  These facts show some peculiar distributing course - probably the course of old streams.