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42 [[drawing of full moon or O]]
[[underline]] Nisqually Plains cont. [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] May 31st [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] weather [[\left margin]]  The last two days were cloudy & it rained some mostly at night.  Last evening it cleared off bright and today was warm & clear with a fresh breeze from the West.
Have been out daily but obtained no new birds.  Observe abundance of frogs of the S.W. Bay species _e &
[[left margin]] Ennys [[\left margin]] large Ennys is common in the lakes.
[[left margin]] Snakes [[\left margin]]  Snakes are very abundant mostly striped but some Racers & I obtained one [[?Wanona]]  The fish hawk frequents these lakes at this season.  Mt Rainier was visible for the first time since I have been at this house.

[[left margin]] June 1st [[\left margin]]
Went out this morning & shot several specimens. 
[[left margin]] Picus [[?torquah]] [[\left margin]] The Pic. torq. [[?eloconot]] resemble other species in its habits unless it may be P.crythos. Ibsis rarely seen or heard tapping trees and is often observed  [[?bing]] darting about their tops as if pursuing insects but probably only to show itself.  It must feed on small insects found on the branches.  Its notes more resemble the harsh grating noise of the Jay than any Picus.  It however builds in holes bored in the trees - by itself?
[[left margin]] [[?Museie]] Trailli notes [[\left margin]]  The Museie Trailli has a peculiar three note song rarely utterred.*  Saw one today pursue a Kingbird which approached its nest.

*This note much resembles that of M.Cooperi but is more faint & lisping

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[[underline]] Collections [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] June 2nd [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] P. torq. food &c [[\left margin]]  Today skinned the two woodpeckers & found in the gizzard of one a large number of small colepplesa such as are found on the leaves & branches of Oaks.  Its gizzard was thicker than in Colaptes and contained also gravel - its salivary glands much smaller.  
[[left margin]] [[?Jeterns]] [[\left margin]]  Heard a bird singing & chattering like a species of Oriele.
Rec'd Bairds note of Apr. 2nd nothing new to be noticed - except to obtain Gophers.
[[left margin]] Rain [[\left margin]]  The weather yesterday was very warm today it clouded over & about noon a heavy shower fell with thunder & a S. wind.
[[drawing]]  Do trees grow faster here than in the East?

[[left margin]] 24th [[\left margin]] 
Yesterday was warm but somewhat cloudy - wind mostly S.  This morning is cool clear with wind N.  Walked out for some miles but obtained nothing new.
[[left margin]] Pinus Strobus [[\left margin]]  Found a single Pine (P. Strobus?) on the prairie - said to be plenty in some places near here.
[[left margin]] Musaic vertical [[\left margin]]  In the afternoon while sitting in the house a Flycatcher (v Ind) flew down on the ground in front and I shot it - the first of the species.  It made a harsh grating sound when alighting.
[[left margin]] snow in mts [[\left margin]]  A man arrived from Fort Colville three days ago reports 12 feet of snow still in the pass of the mountains and the road much [[?s'ny'ased]] by floods on this side.