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[[underline]] Nisqually Plains - C [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] June 19th [[\left margin]]
Walked out this morning for several miles & obtained some specimens of birds &c but none new.
[[left margin]] Sturnella nest - Anas Carolins [[\left margin]]  Found a Meadowlarks nest with eggs; built as usual & the eggs as described.  Shot a teal of [[?wich]] a pair were in a lake near but saw no young.  The female probably sitting.  The notes described by Nuttall to the Black headed Grosbeak are those probably of the Oriole found here!  It excels any other bird in singing.
[[left margin]] weather [[\left margin]]  The weather today was clear and sultry with light N. wind - about sunset it began to cloud over from the W.

[[left margin]] 21st [[\left margin]]   
Yesterday was clear & very sultry a few clouds rising in the W about sunset.  Wind N continuing today.  This morning was cloudy and cooler but about 11 A.M. cleared off.
[[left margin]] Spiza X nest [[\left margin]]  Found the nest of Lazuli Finch just begun in a Mahonia about 4 ft from the ground.  The foundation is of twigs & strips of ribbon like bark.  
[[left margin]] T. [[?ustule]] nest v.p.50 [[\left margin]]  Also the nest of Turdus sestul. in a gooseberry thicket on a horizontal branch and containing young.  It was made like that of the Robin but smaller, much neater & outside covered with moss & leaves.
Both these differ much from Nutt's descr.

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[[drawing of half moon]]
[[left margin]] June 22nd [[\left margin]]
This morning was clear & very warm with a fresh breeze from the N.W.
[[left margin]] Vermivora nigres. [[\left margin]]  Saw a pair of Trich. Tolinei feeding their young, also of Vermi nigrescens - the first of this species I have seen here.  Searched in area for nests of either.  The latter seem to prefer maple thickets & are probably commoner on long rivers.  
[[left margin]] Trichas [[?Tulinier]] [[\left margin]]  The Trichas frequents the bushes in dry woods & resembles a [[?Sylvicalu]] (especially S. agilis) in its notes & habits.
[[left margin]] [[?femn]] [[\left margin]]   The female is paler & duller in colors & has the throat nearly white with dusky spots.

[[left margin]] 24th [[\left margin]] 
Yesterday & Today were very warm until this evening when it clouded up a little & became quite cool - the wind changing also from N to W.  Went in to the Fort & remained all night.  Noticed no new birds etc.
[[left margin]] Athena [[?parserin]] [[\left margin]]  The Sparrow Owl is said to be found in the woods about evening chasing the bats about.
[[left margin]] Buteo [[\left margin]]   A Buteo [[?Aneanisonii]] killed by Gibbs in [[?Oak]] agrees closely with its descript'n.  Three new species have also been obtained by parties on this coast - a Buteo as mentioned in the Pro [[symbol?]] Acad. Phil.
On a small island near Steilacoom there is said to be a breeding place for auks & other seabirds.