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[[underline]] Cape Disappointment [[/underline]]
[[left margin]] July 17th [[/left margin]] 
Have remained at Oysterville since last date settling business.  The weather was cloudy & cool until yesterday about noon when it cleared off with a SW wind.
Walked nearly to the end of the Peninsula but obtained only a small species of Sandpiper which is now common along the creeks in parties of 4 or 5.
[[left margin]] Tringa [[Wals?]] ? [[/left margin]] 
Saw several Fish hawks, nests near the Pt. & about 150 Blue Herons.  Today walked across to the Beach and along it to Pacifica where I arrived about 7 P.M. distance 25 miles.
[[left margin]] [[?Divined]][[/left margin]] [[left margin]] birds [[/left margin]] Saw another dead albatross & a few Western Gulls.  Several flocks of shore birds including Turnstones 2 Plovers & Sandpipers.  At the Cape looked for Phafac. [[?Lepbundus]] but in vain.  Day foggy with a cold N.W. wind.

[[left margin]] 19th [[/left margin]] 
Yesterday was very sultry so that I did not go from the house.  Today cool & pleasant with a N.W. breeze.  Crossed over to the cape & walked around its other side but saw no Cormorants except the common kind.  
[[left margin]] Pelican [[?fusans]] [[/left margin]]  Saw several flocks of Pelicans & Gulls all flying northward.  A few ducks & a loon were about the Cape.
[[left margin]] Gadus &c [[/left margin]]  The small Cod seen last August are more abundant & wash on shore in numbers.  The Indians catch numbers of Sturgeon & some salmon yet.

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[[start page]]

[[underline]] Cape Disappointment [[/underline]]
[[left margin]] July 20th [[/left margin]] 
This morning cool & foggy with a S wind.   
[[left margin]] Phalacrocor.Desplein [[/left margin]]  Walked to the top of the Cape & after sitting there some time saw a Cormorant [[?]] & light which I knew could not be the common species as it had much white on its flanks.  It remained fishing for some time with a Surf Duck.  I descended & got a skiff in which I with two others went outside the Point & had hardly passed the end before a flock of about 200 flew off the rocks away to a distance.  From the roughness of the water I could not get a fair aim & shot only once.  The rock was perfectly white with their dung.  
[[left margin]] Aphiza [[/left margin]] Shot also at an Aphiza? ! only one I saw.  Saw also a flock of four birds & 2 Grouse!

[[left margin]] 21st [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Phal [[/left margin]]  Morning foggy with light NW wind & mild.  Went round the cape again & landing shot at a flock of Cormorants wounding several but got only one which was shot through the heart.  
[[left margin]] Larus young [[/left margin]] Also shot a Gull resembling L. Heermanni but larger.  One seen with it also resembled the young of that Sp.  These are now flying north in flocks.  There is no appearance of nests or eggs on the rocks where the Cormorants [[strikethrough]] bred [[\strikethrough]] sit & there are no detached rocks fir for their breeding.
[[left margin]] [[?Lutsa Auer-) [[/left margin]] [[?OKars]] are common here & make paths up the sides of the Cape from the water.  The caves are only occupied by the [[overwritten]] Bluff [[\overwritten]] Barn swallows.

[[left margin]] 22nd [[drawing of moon]] [[/left margin]]