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[[underline]] Astoria O.T. [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] July 23d [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Rain [[/left margin]]  Yesterday was pleasant & somewhat overcast.  Went to Holman's & remained all day - writing letters &c.
[[left margin]] Distance [[/left margin]]  Today started in a whaleboat at 1 P.M. & crossed to Astoria 15 miles touching at Chinook for letters.  Weather cool & cloudy all day.  Found a letter for Mr F. telling him of Capt. R's return with a schooner which compels me to return to S.W. Bay.
[[left margin]] Aplodontia [[/left margin]]  Mr. Wayne has here several specimens for the S. Inst. among them a fine one of Aplodontia which drowned itself in a tanners vat - in the woods.
[[left margin]] [[?Sarex]] [[/left margin]] He has also two of [[underline]] Urotrichinus? [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] 25th [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Sail [[/left margin]] Yesterday left Astoria in the Schr. Elsie for the Bay - but the fog being thick we got aground about 8 miles below and were obliged to lie there for 6 hrs.  We then crossed over to Chinook Point & anchored for the night.  This morning at 9 1/4 weighed & head down the River with a W wind.  Sky continues overcast but not foggy.  About 12 1/2 passed the Cape and sailed on slowly against a strong S.W. current.
[[left margin]] [[underline]] Diomed flight [[/underline]] [[/left margin]] Saw a few B.F. Albatrosses flying about but not following us.  Their flight is easy & rapid of alternate flaps & sailings.
Saw also a few ducks & Uriae? - (brown)

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[[underline]] S.W. Bay - 3 [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] July 27th [[/left margin]] 
Yesterday we were beating all day against a NW wind & a strong head current.  At dark were off the South channel but this morning had drifted about 6 miles off.
[[left margin]] Anchor [[/left margin]] Entered at 10 & came the anchor at 12 N.   I crossed immediately to the East side.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]] Saw an albatross & a flock of Pelicans with a few Ducks & the brown Uria?  
The weather continues clouded in the morning clearing off in the afternoon, with a westerly wind prevailing - as usual here at this season. [[margin]] Summer [[/margin]] This summer has however been milder on the coast than the last and vegetation is more luxuriant.

[[left margin]] Aug 15 [[/left margin]] 
Have been staying at R's house since last date & have observed nothing important in the Nat. Hist. dept.  This evening was called to see a patient at the south end of the Bay.
[[left margin]] 25m [[/left margin]] Started at 8 1/2 & went up to South Beach reaching it at 2 P.M.  Remained till morning.

[[left margin]] 16th [[/left margin]] 
Rode up the Peninsula to M's in 4 hours.  
[[left margin]] Lakes [[/left margin]] The shore is low & grassy most of the way & crossed by two sloughs running from the Lakes in its middle.  Higher ridges run parallel to the beach - some covered with Fir.
Weather continues pleasant & warm with a NW wind & no clouds.

[[left margin]] 17th [[/left margin]] 
Walked round to H.'s near the Cape & returned with the mail.  Noticed nothing new.