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Shoalwater Bay
[[left margin]] Aug 19th [[/left margin]] 
Left. M's about 4 P.M. & sailed down the Bay arriving at [[?Ostreana]] about 12 o'clock.  A fog came up in the evening which was cool.  Saw only a few Gulls & ducks on the Bay.

[[left margin]] 21st [[/left margin]] 
Sailed down the Bay to Bruceville in about 5 hrs.  Day warm & clear light wind.  Saw nothing important.
[[left margin]] Nayselle [[/left margin]] Yesterday I went up the Nayselle R. about 3 miles & returned in the evening.  This river is about 1 mile wide at the mouth & the hills come close down on it each side with narrow vallies & little tideland.  
[[left margin]] Mergns [[/left margin]] Saw no birds except some flocks of Mergansers coming down in the evening.

[[left margin]] 29th [[/left margin]] 
Have been at R's since last date.  Obtained no specimens & have noticed nothing new.  
[[left margin]] Rain [[/left margin]] There was a fine shower night before last which cleared off in the morning but the sky still remains overcast in the north.  
[[left margin]] Animal described [[/left margin]] Have rec'd 2 letters from Baird with Proc-Ac. Sci. Philad. containing descr's. of Neotoma Occid. ([[?Noh.]]) Tamias Cooperi from top of Cascade Mts & Sciurus Suckleyi from Steilacoom? (Dallas).  Also Hesperomys austerus from Spokane Plain.  It is the 2nd of the species of the lower country?  One killed here seems to be T. Townsendi.  The size seems to decrease in receding from the coast.  I see no other difference except in the length of the tail which is variable.

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[[left margin]] Sept 1st [[/left margin]] 
It again began to rain last night & continues to do so at intervals with a fresh south wind.
[[left margin]] Totanus young [[/left margin]] Today shot a young Totanus of the species supposed new which differs from the adult in the shorter bill, in different coloring & in size.  It was alone at Stony Pt. & tried to hide on seeing me but uttered no note (as usual).  Yesterday obtained a Sealops which was on top of the ground trying to burrow in (miniature?).
[[left margin]] Sealops Calif-? [[/left margin]] It differs from S. Townsendi in size & smaller fore foot but is probably a young one -*  This species throws up mounds like Gophers.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]] Flocks of Ducks, Godwits, sandpipers, Pelicans, & Geese? are beginning to be quite numerous.

[[left margin]] 3rd [[/left margin]] 
This morning the clouds broke up and at flood tide about 1 P.M. it cleared off with a N.W. wind.  Sailed to Oysterville where I arrived at 6 P.M.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]] Saw several flocks of Pelicans some Sheldrake & Gulls, but shot none.  [[left margin]] Anser Albifrons [[/left margin]] Noticed this morning a large flock of w.f. Geese flying Eastward probably to some lake in the hills.

[[left margin]] 4th [[/left margin]] 
Morning cloudy but it cleared off at noon.
[[left margin]] Lobipes hyperb [[/left margin]]  Shot a Lobipes & of which I saw only four, also a Card. [[?trist]].  Noticed an E. Snipe.
[[left margin]] Sealop Wilson [[/left margin]] In the evening watched in vain for deer - both these & Elk are not uncommon here but are difficult to find & do not come out on the Bayside much.

* S. Californianus?