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[[left margin]] Sept 26th [[/left margin]] 
The weather has lately been variable & cloudy most of the time.  Yesterday & last night it rained hard.  Today the wind is west with flying clouds & heavy showers during the day.
[[left margin]] Falco atricep [[/left margin]] Yesterday wounded but lost a large slate cold hawk probably the Goshawk.  Flocks of Geese & ou are becoming every day more plenty but most of them fly over. The Swiss Plovers are also common in flocks.  
[[left margin]] Numenius [[/left margin]] Today saw a large Curley for the third time in this Bay.

[[left margin]] 22nd [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] "Maho" [[/left margin]] Yesterday went on board the Active and from there in a whaleboat up the "Maho" Creek about 3 miles with Lt. Trowbridge & Capt. [[?Bufade]].  Had to wait at the mouth for the tide & did not camp till sunset.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]] Noticed on the way flocks of Mergansers, a few Mallards & 3 sp. of Gulls.  The stream flows through tidelands very much cut up by sloughs & with large mud flats at the mouth.  Shot no game or specimens.
[[left margin]] "Nema" [[/left margin]] This morning about sunrise descended this creek & entered the "Nema" which runs out very near it.  This creek is much superior to the other in its higher & more smooth tidelands.  [[left margin]] Rallus Carolin [[/left margin]] Noticed along the Maho a Railbird the first ever seen here.
Shot no specimens but got some Hetices -
Weather is now clear, warm, & wind N.W.

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S.W. Bay

[[left margin]] Sept 25th [[/left margin]] 
Have been for two days past on shore but have obtained nothing of consequence.  The weather has been clear & very warm with southerly & East winds.  This morning it is cloudy & foggy.  Started early in a boat & after stopping a few minutes on the [[?Ste]] sailed across the Bay to Rs. [[?Nonne]].  It rained lightly afternoon.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]] Saw large flocks of Pelicans & Gulls coming into the Bay to escape the storm.  
[[left margin]] Sorex [[/left margin]] Capt R. has seen a new & peculiar species of shrew in the caves at Cape Disappointment - very familiar.

[[left margin]] 30th [[/left margin]] 
The weather has been cloudy and rainy ever since last date with a S.E. wind & much foggy clouds which were thicker today than before.  This evening it cleared off brightly with a light NE. wind.
Have been staying at R's house & have observed nothing notable.
[[left margin]] P. pileal [[/left margin]] Saw today a Pileated Woodpecker.  
[[left margin]] Procel. gigan? [[/left margin]] Capt. R. mentions seeing on one of the Islands near Cape Flattery a large bird like an Albatross with white body & black wings - perhaps the Giant Petral of Auds. Syn.