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[[underline]] S.W. Bay to San Francisco [[/underline]]

[[left margin]] Oct 4th [[/left margin]] 
Since last date the weather has been clear & pleasant - the mornings cool & foggy brightening up about noon.  Today about 11 A.M. Capt. R. came ashore in a ship's boat & I went off with him & Mr. Johnson.  
[[left margin]] Leaving Bay [[/left margin]] 
After arriving at part of the [[?Copalece]] Channel I went on board & at 3 P.M. weighed anchor.
[[left margin]] time [[/left margin]] Crossed the Bar in 2 1/4 hrs (low tide) at about 4:20 & at 6 passed Cape Disappointment bearing East 4 miles off -
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]] Noticed a few albatrosses, large flocks of Pelicans & some Sea doves?  Wind N.W.
[[left margin]] 5th [[/left margin]] Morning delightfully clear & pleasant but it clouded up before noon with a fresh South breeze. No land in sight 
[[left margin]] C. Gregory [[/left margin]] till near evening when we passed Cape Gregory distant 8 miles - & saw a house on the bluff near Coquille River.
[[left margin]] 6th [[/left margin]] Morning foggy clearing off at noon but the wind [[underline]] still [[/underline]] fresh from south. [[left margin]] Cape Mendocino trees [[/left margin]] At 1 P.M. passed Cape Mendocino 2 miles off. This cape is beautifully varied with hill & valley the [[underline]] north [[/underline]] slopes being in many places covered with trees which however disappear towards the south. The hills rise in the distance 2-3000 ft. 
[[left margin]] woods [[/left margin]] All the land seen north of here seems to be thickly wooded.  The rocks off this cape are white with dung of Cormorants. The sea is very calm & scarcely any swell.
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[[underline]] San Francisco Bay [[/underline]]
[[left margin]] Oct 7th [[/left margin]] 
Today at 2 P.M. arrived at anchorage off the city.  The whole day was warm & calm, a slight N.W. breeze not ruffling the water.  
[[left margin]] Pt. Reyes [[/left margin]] Passed Pt. Reyes about 3 miles off, its base brown hills & steep sandy & rocky cliffs looking very desolate.  
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]] Noticed all the way the Pelecans fuse Lar. occident & Phal. resplendens.  Today seen new waterbird dark above & white below, size & shape of a duck*  
[[left margin]] whales [[/left margin]]  Great numbers of Humpback & finback whales were sporting about the ship today & have been seen all the way down.  There has been no rain here yet & there are few cirrhous clouds in the west before dark.
[[left margin]] 15th [[/left margin]] Have been residing in the city since 7th.  The weather continues clear dry & warm.
[[left margin]] City [[/left margin]] I have attended two meetings of the Cali. Acad. of Sciences & presented some specimens. 
[[left margin]] Notes etc. [[/left margin]] Have also been busy comparing notes & descriptions with books and specimens.   
[[left margin]] Castor [[/left margin]] The beaver found in this state has a skull exactly like that of my specimen in shape but larger - probably that of a male.
[[left margin]] Aplodontia [[/left margin]] An Aplodontia found here seems different from that of Oregon &c.
[[left margin]] Felis [[/left margin]] The Wild cat seems to be the same.

* Uria Troile or Murre