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[[left margin]] Octr 30th [[/left margin]] 
This morning I shot several specimens, the Chamea only new.  Its notes are a loud shrill trill, at times commencing slow & growing more & more rapid for about 20 notes, in the same tone.
[[left margin]] Chamea [[/left margin]] It seems to have much the habits of Bewick's Wren which is common here.
There are numbers of conical piles of twigs & branches in the woods here which seem to be made by some animal, probably a Rat - as I saw one with its head eaten off nearby.  It seemed to be the Black Rat.
In the evening shot a small hare.

[[left margin]] Nov 1st [[/left margin]] 
Obtained no new specimens today.  Rode in the evening out to Dr [[?McCray's]] 4 miles distant at the foot of the hills.
[[left margin]] Moraines [[/left margin]] This place is beautifully situated among rolling "Moraines" with a cool & constant stream flowing through it.  It overlooks the whole valley & Bay down to the City.  
[[left margin]] Chimizel [[/left margin]] In front is a large patch of the shrub called "Chimizel" resembling a heath & the favorite [[?resort]] here of the "Paisano" (Geococcyx).  Large numbers of Deer & quails still frequent it.  A Grizzly was killed here lately & the Cougar is still quite common.  Fragments of Red [[?mercuria lazesase]] scattered about here & a bed of white chalk like clay exists near.

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[[left margin]] Nov'r 2nd [[/left margin]] 
Yesterday returned to the village.
Today was very windy & cold the clouds flying & getting in everywhere.
Went out this morning & shot some birds.  
[[left margin]] Picusformic [[/left margin]] The Calif. Woodpecker seems uncommon in the oaks here & very silent.
[[left margin]] [[?Caspurderens]] [[/left margin]] Have seen only one [[?Caspodents]] which appears different from the [[?Purpenseii]].  Its colors are duller & its bill stouter.  
[[left margin]] Trees [[/left margin]] The principal trees about here are two evergreen & one deciduous oaks, an Alder, an evergreen cherry, wild olive, Plane tree, fragrant Laurel & a shrubby Buckeye.

[[left margin]] 5th [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] [[drawing of bird]] [[/left margin]] Have obtained no specimens of importance since last date.  The Geococcyx is said to run up trees like a woodpecker & sometimes to sail off for a distance before running.
[[left margin]] [[drawing of animal]] [[/left margin]]  The woodrats common here never [[?infest]] however the[[sic]] build nests like a Beavers but of twigs & chipes, several feet high & with the interior opening into rooms & galleries, while the outside sticks all point down so as to shed the rain.  Often 6 or 7 nests like this are under one tree & when smoked or driven out they ran from one to another or into a dead & hollow tree if one is near.  They have burrows under their houses, but these do not open outside as they always run from the house.  No means but burning will drive them out.  
The weather continues clear & pleasant but sometimes cold & foggy in the morning.