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[[underline]] Coast Range Cala [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Nov 23d [[/left margin]] 
Today walked out for some hours & obtained one bird.  
[[left margin]] [[drawing of bird]] [[/left margin]] Noticed the Ribes sanguinea? in flower & two Hummingbirds about it.  Also a black eared hare & a wild cat which were in the open prairie but ran to a bush on being hunted.  Slight frost last night, flying clouds & light showers today.

[[left margin]] 24th [[/left margin]] 
Today mild & cloudy but no rain.
[[left margin]] [[drawing of animal/wildcat]] [[/left margin]] Obtained the wildcat seen yesterday & skinned it.  It resembles those of N.U. in everything but the gray color of the ground fur.  
[[left margin]] [[drawing of animal]] [[/left margin]] Saw also a Muscicapad not before observed & a Tamias which seems rare here.

[[left margin]] 27th [[/left margin]] 
Yesterday & today warm with cool nights & white frosts.  Walked out both days but got only a few birds & a Woodrat.  
[[left margin]] [[drawing of animal/woodrat]] [[/left margin]]   This I shot after driving it out by burning its nest where it seemed to live alone.
[[left margin]] [[drawing of animal/Kangaroo rat]] [[/left margin]]  A Kangaroo Rat found in the oat fields & after ploughed out is said to be Marsupial - but dubiously.
[[left margin]] [[drawing of otter]] [[/left margin]]  Hunters consider the Otter the same but the Beaver larger & at the East.
[[left margin]][[drawing of beaver]] [[/left margin]]  The latter are common on the San Joaquin.  
[[left margin]] [[drawing of spotted animal]] [[/left margin]] A large spotted Cat has been seen on the Mts at the head of this valley.

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[[left margin]] Nov 30th [[/left margin]] 
Remaining at Mountain View.  Weather since last date variable but with scarcely any rain.  Yesterday it cleared off with N.W. wind & today clouded again with wind S.W.  Have obtained several Woodrats which the Cats have much injured - all males & except the young, found living alone in their nests, from which I burnt them out.  One ran up a vine into a tree nearby.  Another was much singed by trying to get into a burning nest.  The young came out of one nest together.
[[left margin]] [[?Spireola]] [[/left margin]] Obtained today a pair of the Warbler [[?seenlas]] & Deer at S.W. Bay.  
[[left margin]] [[drawing of animal]] [[/left margin]]  Mr [[?Shimway]] has shot at an Aplodontia near Alviso.

[[left margin]] Dec 1st [[/left margin]] 
Left at 9 & rode in a coach to the City a distance of 30 miles in seven hours.  Day clear & the coldest yet felt.  Saw along the road immense flocks of Blackbirds, a few of Say's flycatcher and two hawks that seemed new.  There is a belt of oaks a few miles down after which the hills are mostly bare.  Near the city on entering the sandhills the Spermophilus disappear but the ground is covered by gopher hills.  Much more rain has fallen here than 30 miles south.