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[[underline]] San Francisco [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Dec'r 3d [[/left margin]] 
Attended a meeting of the Academy. Specimens of Fossill Pectins and of Ostrea from the Sandstone of this region were given - proving it to be a recent tertiary formation.  A hawk intermediate between two of nine in plumage was presented.  The Woodrat is said to lay up stores of bushels of acorn in trees & to kill & stow away young chickens.  They can be frightened out by a pole & shot.  The female has been seen with young hanging to the teats.
Weather clear in the morning but a light rain began at 10 P.M.

[[left margin]] Dec 6th [[/left margin]] 
Left San Francisco today in the Str. Golden Age, Capt. Watkins, at 3 P.M.  Morning cloudy & cool with a fresh S.W. breeze which made the sea quite rough in going out.  Dr Newberry & I have a stateroom together on the Saloon deck.  Was a little seasick, but ate dinner with a good appetite & retained it.

[[left margin]] th [[/left margin]] 
Day overcast & cool, almost out of sight of land.  Observe two species of Albatross following one the D.fusca?, the other dark with white head & tail.  Also another bird as large as a duck which sometimes flies up behind.  Travelling over 10 miles an hour.

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[[underline]] Pacific Ocean [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Dec'r 8th [[/left margin]] 
Yesterday was clear & cool with a fresh breeze from the N.E.  Today continues clear & warmer, the wind off shore, East.  All day passing some Islands named Bonita &c high brown barren masses of volcanic origin said to be uninhabited.  A large flock of the Western Gull in companies is here with five or six brown Albatrosses said to be uncommon so far south.  No Petrels seen as yet.  We make about 11 miles an hour but the ship goes slower so as to prevent & delay in the Isthmus & to meet the time of the Atlantic Steamers.

[[left margin]] 9th [[/left margin]] 
Weather warmer but still pleasant.  Reached today lat 25 long.112 38 having made 200 miles in the last 24 hours.  Passed by the Island of Margarita & others - all barren mountains with the characteristic appearance of the whole coast.  No sea birds but Petrels appear today though a frigate bird now seen high up.  In the afternoon a large shoal of Porpoises raced with us.  Whales have been but rarely seen so far.

[[left margin]] 10th [[/left margin]] 
Warmer than any day yet.  Passed Str. Sonora off Cape St. [[?Snors]] without stopping or even speaking.  Numbers of a species of [[?Sala]] follow & fly around mid-brown with a white bill & [[?pder]] parts.