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[[underline]] Panama City [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Dec'r 22nd [[/left margin]] 
This morning went out on the rocks & obtained about 20 more shells (species) though the tide does not now fall more than half its lowest ebbs, which occur at new & full moon as northward.
Visited Mr [[?Rugull]] Amer.  Missionary who has a good collection of about 100 species made during 4 years past.  He says [[?Bulini]] can be got only at Taboga & several other kinds about there & the Pearl Islands only.  He has a dredge which I can get.  My collection already numbers about [[400?]] species of univalves & 25 of bivalves.

[[left margin]] 23d [[/left margin]] 
Visited the rocks again this morning, the tide being lower, & obtained several more species of shells, beside a large number of duplicates.
In the afternoon walked to the bridge about 2 miles out on the [[?Crucey]] sand to get river shells but found none.  Got a few very small land shells - & a few near a fresh water Littorina.  The [[?Papaw]], Orange, Breadfruit & Chirimoya Guava Banana  etc. grow here abundantly besides other less known fruits.  [[?Leguminosal]] as prevail now in flower, most of the other orders being past & the climate is now like that of July at N.Y. but the nights cooler.

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Bay of Panama

[[left margin]] Dec'r 26th [[/left margin]] 
Yesterday evening went aboard the Steamer & [[examined?]] all night having met Dr Suckley in the town.  Today went on one of the islands & obtained several new shells - though the tides do not half fall.  The weather continues pleasant.

[[left margin]] 27th [[/left margin]] 
Again went on another island & got some more new shells.  In a cave found great numbers of bats & shot one small species with a spear shaped growth on its nose.  Noticed a cormorant on the shore like P.Towis. also a small Totanus.  The rocks here are Basalt.

[[left margin]] 30th [[/left margin]] 
Returned ashore the 28th & have been gathering shells as usual since along each side of the beach.
Today went to the East Mangroves & got some fine Littorinae &c.  
Also killed with a stick an Clocom [[?]] in the woods which I found sleeping in a hollow tree-- It appeared to have much of the habits of the D. Virgin. feigning death,but not resisting except by growls- & only biting the stick when putting its mouth--Yesterday bought two tortoises to carry alive to New York-

Transcription Notes:
Thankfully today's researchers can find out that they need about the animals by not killing everything in sight as this researcher seems to be anxious to do.