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[[underline]] 1856 [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Jan'y 2nd [[\left margin]]
Yesterday the Str. Empire City arrived at Aspinwall and brought the mails but no news for me.  The tides fell so [[late?little?]] that I did not go out for shells but spent the time in preparing for packing.  Today obtained some specimens from Mr Powell & bought 15 fine [[?Musices]] from a native for 40 cts.  Packed them up in the afternoon putting the two tortoises on top with a hole near them to admit air.

[[left margin]] 3d [[\left margin]]
The Sonora arrived here last night rather ahead of her usual time & I have to leave rather hastily.  Started from Panama at 9 1/2 & after various detentions from bad spots & unfinished sails arrived at Aspinwall at 3 P.M.  The Steamer having gone out for water we did not get aboard till 11 P.M. & at 12 started out.
Weather cloudy & foggy - the breeze from the sea being stronger than on the west side of the Isthmus.

[[left margin]] 5th [[\left margin]]
Making about 200 m. each 24 hours we are going nearly north so far with light & fair winds.  This evening the sky is mottled with passing squalls & towards night a little rain fell.  Notice only a few gannets & today one Frigate bird sailing aloft.

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[[underline]] Off Florida coast [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Jan'y 7th [[\left margin]]
Yesterday was quite strong with a rough sea & a little rain.  Today more calm, cooler, & a fresh breeze from N.E. Have seen no land or other objects till this afternoon passed a french brig. The wind being strong ahead yesterday we did not make quite so much head way as usual in the last 24 hours.  At dusk passed another brig bound North.

[[left margin]] 9th [[\left margin]]
Have been going more rapidly since the 7th making 260 miles in the last 24 hrs.  Were in sight of Cuba all yesterday & today at 3 1/2 P.M. passed the lighthouse on Florida Keys.  Saw a large ship ashore about 15m south of it. See no sea animals & only one bird today probably a Gannet.
Weather clear & cool but becoming overcast towards night, wind N.E.
About sunset passed Cape Florida which was in sight till dark - a low line of trees being all that was visible.

[[left margin]] 11th [[\left margin]]
Yesterday & today were cloudy and cold, with a NE wind less violent today. Pass vessels frequently but do not see any birds or other animals. As we are in the Gulf Stream the sea is rougher than otherwise The current running contrary to the wind.