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[[underline]] Animals of [[\underline]]

The animals of Washington territory though they are much less limited in their range than the Plants still present much of that peculiar local character so observable in this western coast.
[[left margin]] Stations [[\left margin]]  The great variety of "stations" and of climate found in the small limits of a few hundred sq. miles favors and requires a variety of animals peculiarly adapted to them; while it become interesting to know how far any single species may become so adapted to these changes as to exist in widely different circumstances.  It is well known that domesticated animals such as the dog, horse, &c as well as man himself can be acclimated to about any country, & though naturalists are of late much inclined to under-rate this power & to make each local variety in a state of nature a new species, there is danger of carrying this rule to an extreme in some cases, or rather of making a rule what ought to be considered rather exceptions.
It is perhaps safer to do so than to admit a new species without good proof what may in time be found to be but local variations.

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[[underline]] Wash. Terr [[\underline]]

In my first report a few of the most striking species belonging to each side of the Cascade range are mentioned but further researchers have done much to determine their limits as well as to discover others interesting in their habits structure and range.  From these observations it seems probable that but few of the larger Quadrupeds are found on both sides of the Range while the small species are almost entirely dissimilar.
[[left margin]] Felis concolor & rufus [[\left margin]]  The Cougar found throughout America and almost entirely confined to wooded regions is very abundant on the west side.  The wild cat or small Lynx is also extremely common and [[?holder]] numbers being killed annually near farmhouses.
[[left margin]] Lynx [[\left margin]] [[left margin]] gigas & America [[\left margin]] The [[?nerl]] abundant in the open plains & forests of the East side are much less so in the west and are confined there to the few open spots to be found - where they seem to be of two species only, the great wolf & the common American - the Coyotes being rare if ever seen in the forest region where their peculiar howl would make their presence known even when unseen.
Foxes are also rare - I never saw or heard of one being killed there.