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[[underline]] Quadrupeds [[\underline]]

The Raccoon, Otter, Mink weasel & Skunk appear to me identical with the Eastern species, but being much more rarely seen, partly from their less numbers & partly from being less hunted they are still undetermined.

[[left margin]] 
Procyon lotor
Lutra Americ.
Mustelae Vison
M. Amer.
Mephitis Americ. [[\left margin]]
The former I never saw and even its skins are rarely obtained by the natives.  Seals ascend the Columbia to the Dalles &

[[left margin]] Phoca [[/left margin]]

other rivers to their smallest branches but never having obtained one I cannot tell the number of species to be found there.
 Of smaller quadrupeds so far as they are known some seem to have an extensive range while others are very limited in this territory at least. The Pine squirrel & Townsends ground 

[[left margin]] Sciurus Dougl.
Tamias. Townsd. [[\left margin]]

squirrel seem to differ but little in appearance or habits throughout the country though there are slighter variations of color which I am inclined to attribute to the various climates they inhabit, both being found from the sea to the edge of perpetual snow, wherever there are forests to supply food.

[[left margin]] Castor fiber [[\left margin]]  

The Beaver is abundant in all the streams and appears less shy since it is not much hunted having increased in numbers lately.

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[[underline]] Continued [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Fiber zibethicus [[\left margin]]  Of the Muskrat I have never seen or heard any traces - & incline to believe it rare or unknown on the western coast.

[[left margin]] Aplodontia leporina [[\left margin]]

The "Sewellel" of Lewis & Clark, one of the most interesting quadrupeds of America & of which very little is known is according to Indians & others a very common animal in the river bottoms & prairies but I have never been able to obtain one though using every means in my powers to do so.  I have however traced its range from Pugets Sound south, along the coast to California unless a specimen obtained there proves to be distinct in species.

[[left margin]] Neotoma occidat [[\left margin]]

A new Neotoma obtained on this coast presents several interesting points for comparison with its allies from other parts of America.  It has so far only been found along the Columbia River west of the Cascades & near its mouth.  

[[left margin]] Muridae [[\left margin]]

Here again we have an instance of a very wide spread species in the white footed mouse found abundantly across the northern portions of the continent. At the same time several small species of field mice, shrews, moles, &c are all different from their eastern congeners as well as from those of California.