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[[underline]] Birds [[\underline]]

The Birds of Wash. Territory when compared with those of the Atlantic coast about the same latitudes present many interesting phenomena.
[[left margin]] Number
peculiar [[\left margin]]  184 species are known to inhabit the territory of which 70 are not found east of the Missisippi[[sic]] as residents.
[[left margin]] resident [[\left margin]] 159 are constant residents a much larger proportion than in N.Y. & N.E. (40)
[[left margin]] summer passage [[\left margin]]  65 are only summer visitors and 40 only pass through in spring & fall.
[[left margin]] southern [[\left margin]]  The Turkey Buzzard & Fish Crow very abundant here, rarely migrate north of Long Island & are rare there which can only be accounted for by the more equable though cooler climate of this coast in summer while for the same reason the delicate hummingbirds appear at the Straits of De Fuca as early as the middle of March & probably winter in California.  Two at least of the Warblers accompany them while none brave the winter of any Atlantic states.
[[left margin]] migration westward [[\left margin]]  There is a little migration from east to west of some of the resident birds during winter - the coast having a much milder climate at that season, than either the valleys or interior Basin.

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[[underline]] Migrations &c [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Analogues [[\left margin]]  Of the species peculiar to the coast 20 are representatives of Eastern species not found here, while about 20 more are additional species of genera common to both coasts, and 6 genera are not represented in the Atlantic States.
[[left margin]] Southern [[\left margin]]  Several land birds seem to be limited in their northern migration by the Columbia River, stragglers only having appeared on its banks.  Townsend and Nuttal found several species there which have not been observed by later collectors but are common to more southern regions.
[[left margin]] Eastern [[\left margin]]  They also enumerate as birds of Oregon many which inhabit the countries east of the Rocky Mts. and may extend across them but only as occasional visitors.
[[left margin]] Northern [[\left margin]]  Of northern species extending their migrations into the territory there seem to be few.  The equability of the seasons on this coast extending at least to lat. 60?  much the greater part of species are resident and therefore confined to small limits.
The birds of Russian America seem to form a very distinct group, of which I did not meet with any during my residence.  
[[left margin]] Water [[\left margin]]  Of course the great of Anatidae common for the most part to both coasts are excepted, the northern species having a similar range southward on each side.