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[[pressed plant specimen]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 1856 [[underlined]] Birds described in notes of Feb. 15th [[/underlined]] Cath. Calif - C. Aura. C. stratus - Pand. Haliact. Hypot. Columb. Cir. Huds. Archib. lagopus. Buteo. lin. Coce. Amer. Colas. Mex Picus pileat. Pic. torque. Pec. rubes. Col. Carol. Pica Huds. G. Canas Bomb. Carol. Sturn. Ludov. Agel. Phoce Oruis. Mex. Moloth. Peers. Ict. Bullock Pyran Ludro. Cacoth. vesp. Cruciras. Amer Caspod. Purpur. Card. trist - C. Pinus Linar. orin Spriz. Amsen. Fring. Butt - F. Towns. F. aurocan. F. lencoph F. savan Hand. corn. Anth. Ludor, Trrd. ustrlatus T. minor? Cinestmer. Snal. occid. Sylvie Sylv. Audob. S. igres. S. cornnat. recid- S. Rathbon. Tsich Maril. T. Tolmici - Certh. Amer. Trugl. Lyemal. T. Barwickii Tetmorie. Selas. rufus. Hirund. thallas - H. rufa. Museri. vertic. Tetsao alsemus Ortys plsinif. Charad Helon Grus. Canad. Ardece Herod. Totan. macular. Ful. etm. Lobys. Hyperb. Rallus Carol. Pod. Carol - Pod. occid. P. cristatus Phalae. sesplem Uria Townsendii
Transcription Notes:
This is just a guess at the letters written. Needs review by expert ornithologist.