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[[Mi]]ami Beach

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   Football, here as elsewhere, is a fall sport but usually played in shirt-sleeve weather. The University of Miami ordinarily is host to six or seven of the better teams of the country at home games during October and November.
   Few other resorts anywhere can match the brilliance of the Miami beach winter season, the economical luxuriousness of a Miami Beach summer. But to this must be added as an attraction the many points of interest in and about the city.
   Waterway tours enable visitors to obtain intimate glimpses of the homes of the many famous persons who live here during winter, as well as the tepees of the Seminole Indians who still have a village on the mainland.
   Just south on the mainland is Fairchild Tropical garden, with the largest collection of palms, and many other tropic plants, in this country. Also just south, on the second island below Miami Beach is an extensive display of the fish, from the largest to the smallest, found in waters hereabouts.
   Further to the south on the mainland, easily reached in less than an hour, is the Parrot Jungle, with macaws and other colorful birds flying free in a lush tropical setting. Nearby is a serpentarium, where visitors may watch cobras and see their deadly venom extracted. Just beyond are the Monkey and Orchid Jungles, both in the midst of South Florida's tropical fruit groves, where winter visitors may pick oranges and avocados and summer visitors may sample the luscious mango.