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               Spring Migration, 1900.
Month  day  name                number  what doing      sex
April  7  Red-tailed Hawk         9     sailing          --
       8  Ruby-crowned Kinglet about 20 feeding  [[male symbol]] + [[female symbol]]
      15  Dusky Duck              1     feeding on river ---
      18  Cliff Swallow           1     flew over        ---
      19  Purple Marlin           1     feeding on the wing [[male symbol]]
      20  Barn Swallow            1     feeding on the wing ---
          Wilson's Snipe          1     feeding             ---
      21  Woodcock               ---    found borings       ---
      22  Brown Thrasher          1     singing            [[male symbol]] 
      23  White throated Sparrow  1     singing            [[male symbol]]
          Canadian Warbler        1     feeding            [[male symbol]]
      24  Spotted Sandpiper       1     feeding             ---
          Chimney Swift           1     feeding             ---
      26  Chewink                 2     feeding   [[male symbol]] + [[female symbol]]
          Myrtle Warbler    about 6     feeding            [[male symbol]]