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                  Spring Migration 1900
month date  name         number      what doing          sex
May  7  Cape May Warbler  1        feeding in pines    [[male symbol]]
     9  Maryland Yellowthroat 1    feeding near ground [[male symbol]]
    10  Chestnut-sided Warbler 1   feeding             [[male symbol]]
        Ruby throated Hummingbird 1 flew in house      [[male symbol]]
    11  Chebec        several       heard calling      ---
        Nighthawk        1          heard calling      ---
    12  Wood Thrush   several       saw them           ---
        Great-Crested Flycatcher 2  saw them           ---
    13  Wilson's Warbler 1          It was feeding     ---
    14  Indigo Bunting several      heard singing      [[male symbol]]
    16  Wood Pewee       2          feeding            ---
        Wilson's Thrush  1          going to roost     ---
    19  Yellow-throated Vireo 1     heard calling      ---
74  20  Yellow Warbler  1 or 2      saw them           [[male symbol]]