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A dash at this bird causing it to scream with terror but it managed to escape behind a limb. Another flew over my head and I dropped it. One or two others were seen in the draw back of the house where they were always common. 

[[underlined]] Colaptes a. luteus [[/underlined]]

Fairly common today around a willow [[strikethrough]] sp [[/strikethrough]] swamp where they are always seen at this season. These birds were very wild and would not allow me to approach. 

[[underlined]] Otocoris a praticola [[/underlined]].
A few seen flying over in the air.

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[[underlined]] Cyanocitta c. cristata [[/underlined]]
A few Bluejays seen in various localities

[[underlined]] Corvus b. brachyrhynchus [[/underlined]].
Crows were common today but refused to be called up as we usually do so that not were shot.

[[underlined]] Agelanis phoenicus [[/underlined]] subspec?

A few flocks of Redwings were seen flying over today. There are a great many now roosting in the trees with the grackles in Lawrence. At evening I see large flocks flying over. 

[[underlined]] Quiscalus q. aenaeus [[/underlined]].
Large roosts in Lawrence now. The birds are getting