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[[underlined]] Spizella purilla [[/underlined]].
Along a hedge on Washington Creek was a small party of field sparrows. When flushed they all went up into the trees where they sat quietly. Mr. Rocklund took a specimen.

[[underlined]] Junco h. hyemalis [[/underlined]].
We found one or two small flocks of juncoes on north slopes and I took a fine dark male

[[underlined]] Melospiza melodia [[/underlined]] 
Song sparrows were fairly common along Washington Creek. I took two and one in a

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superficial examination may be [[piddi?]]
[[underlined]] Passerella i iliaca [[/underlined]]
Several times during the day I heard the loud songs of Fox Sparrows, as clear as in the spring. About noon I shot a fine one from a tree top. 
[[underlined]] Pipilo e. erythrophthalmus [[/underlined]].
I shot a Towhee in a dense thicket on Hasty Creek and heard others calling there.
[[underlined]] Cardinalis c. cardinalis [[/underlined]].
Common in the thickets and hedges. In very fine plumage now.