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May 1, 1913

With McAtee Long Bridge to
Aqueduct Bridge on Virginia
side.  Out at 6:10 and back at
nine.  Clear, bright day after
several cool ones.

Not many warblers in as 
they have apparently moved on
north without others to take
their places arriving so that
this list comprises practically
only summer residents.

Bluebird 2
Robin 1
Carolina Chickadee 1
Tufted Titmouse 1
Carolina Wren fairly common singing.
Cedarbird - found a small flock below Arlington.
Cardinal heard
Song sparrow common
Goldfinch fairly common.
Meadowlark one seen in Experiment station grounds
Fish Crow along marshes
Common Crow few
Bluejay - tolerably common.
Downy Woodpecker - one seen.
Turkey Vulture - few.
Night Heron - several.  Seen flying and three seen wading along in marsh.

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Purple grackle common.
Red-winged Blackbird common.
Phoebe one.
Flicker 2.
White throated sparrow - several
Cowbird heard questionably. rare here.
Mourning Dove several.
Chewink "
Myrtle Warbler "
Brown Thrasher " singing
Louisiana Water Thrush " a peculiar song
Blue gray gnatcatcher one.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet several.
Barn Swallow one.
Chimney Swift one.
House Wren abundant.
Spotted Sandpiper 2
Yellow Warbler most abundant
Maryland Yellowthroat common.
White-eyed Vireo several
Catbird abundant.
Parula Warbler one.
Wood Thrush several
Red-eyed Vireo one
Solitary Sandpiper the first record this spring.
Kingbird 2
Yellow breasted Chat - one first record.
Long-billed Marsh Wren common.
Golden-winged Warbler one. rare here.

42 actually seen 3 others heard.