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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

? Downy Woodpecker heard not seen.
Indigo Bunting one seen.
Yellow throated Vireo. several heard and seen
Swamp Sparrow - common in marshes
Blue gray gnatcatcher - several.
Carolina Chickadee several
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - one first record
Black-billed " " " "
? Louisiana Water Thrush heard singing
Parula Warbler several
Long-billed Marsh Wren common
Red-winged Blackbird few.
Bobolink. first of spring. half a dozen.
Fish Crow several
Rusty Blackbird.  Three seen and identified unquestionably.  latest record known here
? Spotted Sandpiper heard
Cliff swallow. one. first records
? Solitary Sandpiper heard.
? Crested Flycatcher several heard.
Red-headed Woodpecker several. nest seen with female apparently incubating.
Turkey Buzzard
Wood Pewee First record
White-breasted Nuthatch 2

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May 8, Thursday.

Out at five thirty this A.M. with McAtee from Aqueduct bridge to Cherrydale along the Potomac. Cloudy + cool and too much wind to see many birds.

Turkey Buzzard - common.
Robin one.
Song Sparrow common.
Catbird common
Chewink common
Wood Thrush common
Fish Crow several
White eyed Vireo two.
Ovenbird common singing
Field sparrow several.
Redstart common.
Kentucky Warbler one.
Red-eyed Vireo common
Carolina Chickadee. one seen preening feathers after bath at edge of river.
Black and White Warbler. one seen.
Rough-winged Swallow - several around old quarries.
Scarlet Tanager several.
Wormeating Warbler - one seen in some low bushes a quick active little bird with a sharp chipping note was shy and hard to approach. In low ground near river.
Maryland Yellowthroat. several
Yellow throated Vireo two.