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These birds had the wings and tail well grown and were caring for themselves as they were fly-catching vigourously.  One came up from some ferns on an open hillside and scolded me vigourously and then dropped back to cover again.

Saw a female Prairie Warbler feeding a young one which called [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] with soft notes and collected this bird.  found it in very good shape.  Did not hear the males singing at all.

Saw a family party of Dendroica rigorsii working quickly through the pines.  The young were patchy looking birds just getting fall plumage.  The male sang his trilling song a little.

Saw a yellow-billed Cuckoo working through the trees and finally collected it. Heard another call & saw one flying.

A Scarlet Tanager came into  a choke cherry tree and ate several cherries.  Was followed by a chat and a Catbird.

An Indigo Bunting male ate several [[underlined]] Chalepus [[/underlined]] ([[underlined]] sp dorsalis [[/underlined]]?) in the branches of a Locust.

Other birds seen.
Carolina Chickadee several
Tufted Titmouse. several

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White-breasted Nuthatch. 2
Carolina Wren 2
Cardinal few
Song sparrow few
Field sparrow feeding young.
Goldfinch few
Common Crow
Turkey Vulture.
Bobwhite heard.
Killdeer heard calling
Chewink young out of nest.
Purple Martin two.
Black and White Warbler one.
Chimney swift several.
Maryland Yellowthroat common.
Redstart one
Wood Thrush few
White-eyed Vireo scolding & singing
Kingbird one.
Hooded Warbler singing
Hummingbird female seen.
Acadian Flycatcher several calling
Wood Pewee several.

In the evening at Wood Ridge saw Bombycilla Cedrorum at Kalmbachs.

And at Mount Rainier several Red-headed Woodpecker.

At Dusk about thirty grackles flew over to the
southwest in a loose flock. Must be a roost out there somewhere.