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July 31, Thursday
Yesterday there came a sever gale about three in the afternoon wrecking hundreds of trees along the struts and in the parks, blowing in windows and even demoloshing houses. Heavy rain accompanied it and for a few minutes hail stones fell.
This storm was quite destructive to the sparrows here in the city. I saw a dozen or fifteen [[underline]] Passer demesticus [[/underline]] dead along the front of the museum without searching for them and undoubtedly several hundred were killed here. One that I saw was an adult male and the rest were young ones.
August 2, Saturday
This afternoon went out on four-mile Run. Birds were common today and were quite restless.
Saw a number of Cedar Waxwings passing over but none stopped.
A Red-eyed Vireo scolding at something drew a flock of yellow-throats Chickadees and all the other denizens
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of the woods but I could not find what troubled it. A field Sparrows nest that  a week ago contained 3 eggs was empty. The wind had evidently blown it over and destroyed the eggs.
August 3, Sunday
Went down to Chesapeake Beach today.
Saw 3 Common Terns flying along the beach and young were following the adults + begging for food. As the refuse from a passing steamer came drifting in they flew out + seized it with their bills. and flew back to show with it.
Spotted Sandpipers sun along beach.
August 10, Sunday
This morning went down to Hunting Creek in Virginia just Above Mount Vernon
There were stretches of swampy woods here with hills intervening and along the mouth of the creeks swampy growth of reeds and