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August 16, Saturday
Went out this afternoon to Bladensburg followed along the Eastern Branch for a distance and came back via Hyattsville. There were very few birds Along here though it was good country for them. fewer than I have seen anywhere here yet. It was low and wet along the stream and inland oak woods as usual. A Solitary sandpiper flew up from a pool right in the town of Bladensburg. 
One young Wood Pewee in first plumage was taken and preserved as a skin. Others were heard. 
A young [[underlined]] Empidonax virescens [[/underlined]] was taken also in juvenile plumage.
Red-eyed Vireo were the only common birds. Young were following their parents and teasing to be fed and one small party was encountered working through the trees.
Saw one Black and White Warbler also.
A dozen Buzzards had been feeding on a dead dog and then perched in some dead

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limbs at the tops of oaks. As I passed, they flew up heavily and began circling back and forth.
A single Cedar Waxwing was seen at the edge of a clearing in the dead top of an oak. This bird proved to be a laying female.
Rough-winged, Barn & Tree Swallows came circling in in the evening.
Two Gnatcatchers seen
August 17, Sunday.
Today went out on Four-mile Run in Virginia again and did not return until evening. Birds were rather scarce even here. 
A half-formed cloud of vapor that [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] came drifting over, almost at the point of forming rain drove in a few Barn & Rough-winged swallows which worked back and forth after insects. A few [[strikethrough]] insects [[/strikethrough]] Chimney Swifts were with them and one I shot. One or two were seen occasionally throughout the day and a single bird passed over several times at dusk.
An adult Purple Martin hawked about high in the